Vanderbilt Peabody College
april 2023 | Issue 48
Peabody Office of Student Engagement & Well-Being
A monthly newsletter with inspiration for self-care, engagement, and reflection
Holistic Engagement Compass
Poem: On boxes and tight spaces
Courtnie Taylor

Meet Fatmanur Onder!

Our featured student, Fatmanur Onder, is a second year master's student in special education. She will graduate in May! Fatmanur is a tutor for Metro Nashville schools, works in the Peabody Library, and supports our Next Steps students. She has also been very engaged in programming and advocacy through the Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being and the Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. We are so very grateful for your many contributions here at Peabody and cannot wait to see what your next chapter holds!
Where do you call home? Where do you feel most at home?
I am from Samsun,Turkiye. My hometown is located near the Black Sea, so it is a green city with many kind of plants.  It has all four seasons (longer spring and fall than Nashville).  I grew up living all four seasons in the most beautiful way. Since I was born in April, my favorite season is spring. That's why I can define my home as any place where I'm on the grass under the light blue sky.
If your life was a book, what is the title of the chapter you are in now?
“The Little Black Fish" would be the title of the chapter of my life. The little black fish wanted to know what was going on elsewhere. Although he could not go all over the world, he wanted to go and see as far as he could. He wanted to know that life is not limited to the puddle he lives in. No matter what difficulties he faced, he did not give up, struggled, and continued on his way.
Favorite professor and/or class and what you learned?
I like all of my classes and my professors but if I have to choose one, I can say Dr. Marcia Barnes is my favorite professor. I am doing my thesis with her this semester and she is a great supporter. Her explanations are great too! I also really like the class called Intensive Intervention for Students with Severe and Persistent Academic Difficulties with Dr. Jeanne Wanzek. It was so helpful to learn how to intervene effectively and how we could organize the lessons for students who have difficulties understanding. Also, Dr. Wanzek helped me personally by spending time with me outside of the classroom because I needed accommodations to follow the course.
How do you hope your Peabody degree will help you make a difference in the world?
I hope my Peabody degree will help me to find a Ph.D. program to pursue in the US. Then, with my Ph.D. and Peabody master’s degree, I will be a professor at Ankara University in my country. In light of what I have learned in my master’s here at Vanderbilt and in my doctoral studies, I want to conduct research in my country and develop a new intervention method for students who have difficulties in mathematics.
wholesome oatmeal cookies

Mediterranean Shrimp and Couscous 

Looking for a colorful, fun, and filling meal - try this Mediterranean inspired shrimp and couscous. This meal is simple to make and delicous to eat. A perfect meal for a warm spring day! 
  • 8 ounces if couscous
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 8 oz of raw shrimp
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup olives 
  • 1/4 block of feta cheese
  • 2 tbs capers
  • Salt
  • Pepper 
  • Red pepper flakes

  1. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
  2. Add in 8 ounces of couscous and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Lower to a simmer and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Pan fry 8 ounces raw shrimp with 1 teaspoon paprika, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon oregano, and the juice of 1/2 lemon.
  4. Chop up one small cucumber, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup olives. 
  5. Combine cucumber, cherry tomatoes, olives, couscous, and shrimp in a mixing bowl. 
  6. Add 1/4 block feta cheese, 2 tbs capers, the juice of 1 lemon, 2-3 tbs olive oil, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes to bowl.
  7. Optional, add a handful of chopped fresh mint.
  8. Toss to combine and enjoy!
*Vegetarian option: replace shrimp with roasted chick peas
From Kit Keenan; submitted by HOD junior Justine Safra.
Greenway photo

Celebrate Walking Month: Get Your Steps In

Cassie Coffman, Graduate Assistant | Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being
Why run when you can walk? Walking is an easy, free, and low-impact way to move. Just 30 minutes of walking a day can improve your overall health! There are both physical and mental benefits to walking. Walking can boost your mood, reduce stress, increase your energy, and improve your confidence. 
Get your steps in! It is recommended that you walk 10,000 steps a day. Here are some ways to add extra steps into your routine:
  1. Take the stairs instead of elevators
  2. Walk to local spots like school or the grocery store
  3. When you drive, park farther from the store or building 
  4. Add a walk to your daily routine, make it a point to walk in the morning, on your lunch break or in the evening 
  5. Walk and talk! Take a walk while chatting on the phone 
How to make walking fun and interesting: 
  1. Walk with a friend 
  2. Listen to music or a podcast
  3. Find a new trail or park 
  4. Call a loved one
  5. Walk your dog or your neighbor's dog!

Peabody OSEW Walk and Talk: On April 7th, we are going to celebrate National Walking Month by going on a walk and talk at a local greenway. Join us at Richland Park Greenway to do a 2.8 mile loop. Come out to enjoy nature and connect with members of the Peabody community.  We hope you can join us! RSVP here
Trauma Stewardship
Good Reads

Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others 

Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky, offers a demonstration of the toll trauma work can have on caregivers while offering simple practices we can all engage in to prioritze caring for ourselves so we may best serve others.
"We must also open ourselves to the hope that comes with understanding the one thing we can do. We can always be present for our lives, the lives of all other beings, and the life of the planet. Being present is a radical act. It allows us to soften the impact of trauma, interrupt the forces of oppression, and set the stage for healing and transformation. Best of all, our quality of presence is something we can cultivate, moment by moment. It permits us to greet what arises in our lives with our most enlightened selves, thereby allowing us to have the best chance of truly repairing the world" (Lipsky, 245).
Please see additional resources and download the new podcast at the Trauma Stewardship Institute website
Submitted by Karen Perez, Graduate Assistant - Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being
VU Seal

PCBG Wins Sesquicentennial Grant 

Congratulations to the Peabody Coalition of Black Graduates (PCBG) for receiving a Sesquicentennial Grant to create the Black Peabody Museum!  PCBG, led by MPP student MaKenzie Mosby and along with fellow PCBG members Cameron Stokes, Morgan Spellman, and Micaela Harris, created a proposal to bring to life the stories and accomplishments of Black students, faculty and staff at Peabody.  They write:

"The Black Peabody Museum will render Black Peabody visible to the College and the larger University community by centering the experiences, contributions, and accomplishment of Black Peabody students, faculty, staff. The Museum will be executed in two phases. Each phase will produce a physical museum-style installation. The first installation will tell the story of Black Peabody from Roger Williams University to the merger of George Peabody College for Teachers. The second installation will cover Black Peabody post-merger with Vanderbilt University. Additionally, the second installation will serve as dream space for the Black Peabody and the larger campus to co-create a vision of what Black Peabody will look like in the next 50 years."

Through this project, PCBG intends to connect Black students, faculty, and staff from across generations, increase the visibility of Black Peabody’s historic contributions to Peabody College, celebrate their accomplishments, and allow them to dream for their future. 

We look forward to the opening of the Black Peabody Museum, and once again congratulate PCBG!
seven dimensions
Headspace App 
Vanderbilt students have free access to Headspace – an award-winning, research-backed digital tool for mindful living with over 1,200+ hours of themed meditations, sleep content, mindful movement exercises, and focus music. With over 75+ research collaborations and 26 published studies as the mindfulness digital intervention of choice, Headspace has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, increase resilience and happiness. Enroll in Vanderbilt’s program here
University Counseling Center (UCC) Resources 
The UCC, part of the Student Care Network, offers in-person individual counseling, group therapy, and workshops. The University Counseling Center (UCC) is available to all full-time Vanderbilt students. To learn more about eligibility and UCC services, please visit their website.
Groups and workshops are also available for affinity groups and as safe spaces for students with diverse needs. If support from like-minded students feels like something that would be helpful to you, we encourage you to check out the many wonderful options.
Need help immediately? Find the UCC's crisis resources here.
Student of Concern Form
Faculty, staff, fellow students, community members, and family members can report concerns pertaining to the personal, physical, or emotional well-being of a student using the Student of Concern Form. Forms can be submitted anonymously and help students get the support and resources they need.

Support for Faculty and Staff

If you are a faculty or staff member in need of mental health resources or support, please contact the Employee Assistance Program at Work-Life Connections. The Employee Assistance Program can provide support and resources related to a variety of issues (stress, emotional health, relationships, family, financial, alcohol, drug, and other personal concerns). 
The University Staff Advisory Council is a wonderful resource that represents 90 elected individuals, who in turn represent more than 4,000 full- and part-time exempt and non-exempt Vanderbilt University staff members. USAC is an advisory group to administration and staff on issues, policies and practices that affect the university and those served by the council. Feel free to provide feedback or ask questions through this anonymous form. General body meetings are open and any staff member can attend on the second Tuesday of each month, 8:30-10 a.m. We hope to see you there!
If you are interested in a faculty/staff affinity group, many options are available. For questions or more information, please reach out to in the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
Employees can also take advantage of two new well-being resources:
Kognito At-Risk is an online platform that provides students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to practice identifying others who need additional support; it also has an emphasis on self-care and well-being.Learn more here

Campus Safety Resources

VandySafe App:The app allows users to contact VUPD via phone call or real-time chat, trigger a mobile Bluelight that shares your location instantly with VUPD, initiate a “Virtual Walkhome” where VUPD can monitor your walk home and much more. 
VandyRide: We encourage everyone traveling to and from our locations in the evenings to consider using the VandyRide service, which operates from 6:00pm until 3:00am daily. Via the VandyRide interactive map and associated DoubleMap app, VandyRide’s location along its route is now viewable on your computer or mobile phone, and you can even set up text message alerts to let you know when a Van will be arriving to your stop.
Walking Escorts: All travelers traveling to and from our locations can request a walking escort, at any time, by calling the VUPS Communications Center at (615) 322-2745. 
Learn more about campus safety resources here.
calendar graphic

April Programs & Events

OSEW, EDI, and PISA are located in the Peabody Administration Building, suite 216 and are open from 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday. We are also available by appointment. Please feel free to each out to us at:,, or
April 4 | 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. | 6 Magnolia 019

Peabody Connects is a welcoming and reflective space for students to make connections with others and to feel supported on your Peabody journey. If you are looking for community, this is the space for you! Beverages and light snacks provided. Feel free to bring your lunch too! Questions? Please reach out to us.
April 4 | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Wyatt Center Rotunda

This gathering is a time to honor those lost in the recent tragedy, as well as to come together and reflect as a community. The event will also be livestreamed here. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Linzie Treadway,
Sponsored by the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of the Dean of Peabody College, Peabody College Development and Alumni Relations, and the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life.
April 7 | 9:30-10:30 a.m. | Richland Creek Greenway

Come join the Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being for a three-mile walk along the Richland Creek Greenway. Park off the Murphy Road roundabout entrance to the golf course and greenway. Address: 100 46th Avenue North. If you need transportation let us know on the registration form. Please RSVP here if you would like to join us! Water and snacks provided.
April 7 | 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. | 6 Magnolia 019

PISA (Peabody International Students & Affairs) would like to invite you to join our appreciation event! We will be using this dedicated space and time to congratulate our graduating international peers, build community, and recruit mentors for incoming Peabody international professional and graduate students. Come enjoy international snacks and drinks, fun activities, and most importantly, mingling with your international peers before the semester ends!
Open to all Peabody graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff.  Please contact PISA with questions or for more information. 
April 8 | 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. | Center for Student Wellbeing Meditation Room & Virtual. Zoom

Enjoy relaxing breathwork, meditation, and yoga to destress. These sessions are beginner friendly! All events are offered virtually and in-person. RSVP via AnchorLink
The dates and type of practices are as follows: April 1: Meditation, April 8: Yoga 
April 3 and April 10 | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Central Library 418a
In this two-part workshop series, you will learn how structural racism manifests in the built environment & how to design maps using QGIS. Space is limited. If you are interested in attending, please register here.
Organizer: Emily Barrett (Peabody PhD Student), in partnership with Stacy Curry-Johnson (Vanderbilt GIS Librarian). Made possible with support from Peabody EDI Office.
April 11 | 7:15 p.m. | Mayborn 117
Come join us for a community dinner to celebrate interfaith traditions of food and fellowship! The meal will highlight food traditions from an Iftar, Seder, and Easter in honor of the religious significance of this time of year, but there is meaning in food for everyone! Whether its customs or traditions, religious, spiritual, or cultural values, we all have had formative food-based stories and experiences. We would love for you to come share yours and to celebrate with us! This event is co-sponsored by PPGSA and the Peabody EDI office, and doors will open at 6:45 p.m. to accommodate those fasting.
Open to all Peabody graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff
Questions? Email Isaac Rosenthal
April 15 | 10:00 - 7:00 p.m. | Wyatt Center
The Peabody Office of Student Engagement & Well-Being is excited to host the 2023 Peabody Gala in celebration of Peabody professional and graduate students and their guests. Join us to get your groove on!
Student tickets are reserved for current Peabody professional and graduate students at $20 per ticket. All others are considered a guest for $30 per ticket.
PURCHASE TICKETS HERE by Friday, April 7! Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door.
*To make this event inclusive to all students, if you have any financial concerns, please email us.
April 17 | 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. | Commons 235/327 MPR
Curtis Chin will hold a guest lecture and book reading about his upcoming book Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant. Chin has received fellowships from ABC/Disney Television, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. He has won awards from the National Association for Multicultural Education, the National Association for Ethnic Studies, the American Librarians Association, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, and served as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. As an organizer, Chin co-founded the Asian American Writers’ Workshop.  He has also worked as the Director of Outreach for the Democratic National Committee and served on Barack Obama’s Asian American Leadership Committee during his 2008 Presidential Campaign. 
This event is hosted in collaboration with The Asian American Advocacy Project, and co-sponsored by the Asian American Student Association, the Graduate Student Council, the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, Peabody’s Office of Student Engagement and Wellbeing, and Peabody’s Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Food will be provided. Please RSVP here.
Open to all Vanderbilt students, faculty, and staff. Questions? Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Celebrate the last week of classes and take a break from your work to come re-center and de-stress with us. Feel free to come as you need to and when you can throughout the week's activities!
Meditation Monday | Monday, April 17 | 1:15-1:45 p.m. | Center for Student Wellbeing Meditation Room or Zoom link here.  
Yoga on the Lawn | Wednesday, April 19 | 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. | Peabody Lawn
Stop by for a yoga sequence led by Maddy Kelly, 2nd year Community, Development, and Action master's student (and soon to be graduate!). All levels welcome. Breakfast provided afterwards. 
Spring Carnival | Thursday, April 20 | 2-4 p.m. | Peabody Lawn
Enjoy Shenanigoats (baby goats who do yoga in pj's!), carnival games, treats, & moreCo-sponsored by: The Peabody Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being, and Peabody Library
Cheers to Your Careers! | Monday, April 24 | 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. | Peabody Administration Building 113
Calling all Peabody professional and graduate students, stop by for champagne and other tasty non-alcoholic beverages with Peabody Career Services! 
Every Monday | 1:15 - 1:45 p.m. | Center for Student Wellbeing Meditation Room or Zoom link here
Begin your week with a 20-minute meditation session, a partnership between the Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being and the Center for Student Wellbeing. This event is held both in-person and virtually.
Every Tuesday | 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Peabody Administration Building, Heritage Room 218B

UCC Drop-In Consultation provides easy access to informal, confidential, and free consultations with University Counseling Center counselors. These consultations are helpful for students who:
  • are not sure about counseling and wonder what it’s like to talk with a counselor
  • may not be interested in ongoing therapy but would like the perspective of a counselor
  • have a specific problem and would like to talk it through with a counselor
  • have a concern about a friend and want some thoughts about what to do
Students who are experiencing an immediate mental health emergency are encouraged to attend UCC Urgent Care. For any questions about UCC Drop-In Consultation, please call 615-322-2571.
* UCC Drop-In Consultation hours at Peabody are specifically for APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) identifying students and/or international students 
Every Thursday | 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Peabody Administration Building, Heritage Room 218B
Student Care Coordination Drop-in meetings are offered so that students can meet quickly with a care coordinator to discuss any immediate needs, including but not limited to:
  • Surviving and thriving throughout the semester
  • Identifying and connecting with resources for support on- or off-campus
  • Discussing academic options, taking a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA), and/or assistance with communicating with faculty/Dean’s office
Connecting with drop-in care coordination meetings are not therapy or counseling, but can help you get connected to counseling on- or off-campus if that is what is needed.

Silver Linings: What's Bringing Us Alive

What beauty are you noticing? We invite you to both take in and share something that has caught your attention, caused you to pause, or put a smile on your face. What have you been grateful for? We need more of these beautiful moments in our full and sometimes messy, lovely lives. Please feel free to share a photo for inclusion in our next Well@Peabody newsletter, tag our office on Instagram with the hashtag #PeabodySilverLining or email us. Happy snapping!
two chairs by water at sunrise
"Dear Spring Break, You Were Lovely" by Meaghan Mundy
Hope Springing
Hope Springing by Eliza Blades
stained glass photo
I Can See Clearly by Sharon Shields
grey and white cat and art work
What Catches Our Eye by Yu (Wendy) Wu
Well@Peabody is brought to you by:
peabody Office of Student Engagement & Well-Being
Meaghan Mundy
Meaghan Mundy
Assistant Dean, Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being
Eliza Blades
Assistant Director, Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being
Karen Perez
Karen Perez
Graduate Assistant, Human Development Counseling
Cassie Coffman      Graduate Assistant, Human Development Counseling
Feedback or Questions:
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