Ag Advisory Council Vice President

Rochelle (Ripp) Schnadt currently works at Compeer Financial as a Communications Specialist. Her career in marketing and communications began at an ag marketing agency, followed by her selection as the 65th Alice in Dairyland and UW Discovery Farms.

Rochelle represents the Agricultural Finance and Ag Communications facets of the agriculture industry.

Rochelle Ripp Schnadt, was raised in Lodi, Wisconsin on her family’s dairy and crop farm. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness, an emphasis in marketing and communications and competed on the UWP Volleyball team.

Rochelle presently serves on the UW-Platteville School of Agriculture Advisory Board and the Wisconsin Soybean Association Board.

Rochelle serves on the advisory council because, “I believe in giving back to UWP and the School of Ag because of the great experience I had in my time on campus, the relationships I’ve cultivated through the network of Pioneers and the many industry opportunities available."