The Collegiate Farm Bureau had it’s 7th Annual Ag Day on Campus

The event has held on April 24, 2018 from 10am to 1pm. There were 12 agricultural groups from the UW-Platteville, along with the Collegiate Farm Bureau, that put on interactive/educational booths for the faulty, students, and community to see. We were even honored to have representatives from two of the companies who helped sponsor this event to attend and put on an educational display table. Senator Marklein also was in attendance and was able to participate in Ag Day on Campus. 

“Ag Day on Campus was a huge success! The students seemed to really love the animals that were on display along with participating in the fun activities that were provided by the agricultural groups here at UW-Platteville,” said Bridget Cleven, Ag Day on Campus Chair. 

The goal of Collegiate Farm Bureau’s Ag Day on Campus is to spread awareness of agriculture to the student body and faculty of UW-Platteville. This allowed students in the School of Agriculture to express their passion in the different areas of agriculture, such as: livestock, agronomy, reclamation, etc. It is a great event that brings together the School of Agriculture with one goal in mind: Promoting agriculture at UW-Platteville.