The Pioneer Dairy Challenge Team Competed in California for the Dairy Challenge Competition

The Pioneer Dairy Challenge Team competed in California for the Dairy Challenge competition. Before they started the competition, the team had a day to tour Maddox's in Riverdale, CA and other dairy farms in Seattle, WA.The competition is a 3-day event held in Visalia, CA. The Dairy Challenge is a competition where the team is assigned a farm with a packet of information. The packet entails information about the herd, nutrition, finances and other paperwork of the farm. The team has time to review the packet before traveling to the farm. The next day they inspect their given farm. When they do this, they look for different ways to improve the farm and help the owner reach their goals. They get to ask any questions they may have about the farm. After their research on the farm, they have 4 hours to create a 20 minute presentation on recommendations they have for the farm. On the last day, they present their work to a panel of judges.
The team ended up placing 4th!