You are who you have pizza with

One of my all-time favourite quotes is “You are who you have coffee with” from one of my friends and mentors, Robin Sharma.

It is a basic but very powerful thought. You are the sum total of the 5 people you spend most of your time with; drinking coffee, sharing pizza, running besides, etc. If you hang out with negative, lazy, and sad people you are more likely going to be that way yourself. To the opposite, if you are spending time with positive, motivated, healthy people you are more likely to live your life that way.

As we begin a new school year, like a new calendar year we have options. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be this year? The same old person I have always been or do I want to be better person? Do I want to achieve and be more?” It’s not easy but it’s actually very simple.

As a young person you typically have a friend group based on geography. The street you live on, your condo complex, your elementary school, or the team you are involved with. It’s who’s around you.

My best friend for the first 13 years of my life lived across the street. It was easy. I would walk across the street and say “Hello best friend!”

When I entered high school my potential friend group went from 60 to 300. This is where we gain new friends and learn new perspectives on life. It’s key to be open to NEW people. When you go onto post secondary life, the work force, travel, or join associations, your circle of influence grows again. It’s important to surround yourself with the best people that will help you grow; people who will challenge you.

One of the favourite bits of wisdom I like to share with the students and adults I work with is this: If you are the most positive person in your friend group it’s time to make a new friend group. 

In 2018 this is really important with our online community of friends. If you follow angry negative people, guess what happens? You only see angry, negative and cynical posts and information. People ask me why I only follow a few people on Instagram and Twitter or why I have more than 1000 unanswered “friend” requests on Facebook? It’s because I don’t want to clutter my life with negative people and negative or less than inspiring people and posts. I value my time and my brain space. It doesn’t mean that everyone who requests friendship or a follow is bad person. It means that I want to celebrate those that I know well, are part of my daily life, and that I know will share a similar positive outlook on life.

So, do a friend audit. On your social media, if you don’t know who they are, delete. If you haven’t connected with them in a year, unfollow. If they post things that are angry or bring people down, goodbye! 

Engage with those that make you feel good. In return do the same for them. Support that friend group both on and offline. 

This year begin to sweep your doorstep. You don’t have to be mean about it. Just surround yourself with greatness. 

If you are looking for a way to a dynamic way to bring new and positive perspective to your students, check out the impressive lineup of personalities in the Canadian Youth Speakers Bureau.

Here’s to a great year, filled with great learning and STUpendous friendships.
In leadership and gratitude, 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.