The "quick" fix!

I started YLCC in 1992 with three pals. We had no idea what to expect. I think each of us were coming at it from a different angle, wanting something different. I was definitely the “camp guy”. I had been attending summer camp since I was 6. The love of camp is ingrained in my blood. I never thought I would get rich, never have.

That first year we had just over 50 campers for 3 days. Wow, what a start! We had and still have one very important ingredient: Passion. I loved the idea of camp; my heart belonged to camp songs, camp fires and changing lives. I also loved the idea of building something from nothing. It needed patience and that I had, more than most.

Persevering forward, this year we had almost 1,700 campers over 8 weeks. WOW! What’s even cooler is that we had hundreds of campers sign up for 2019 summer camp before the 15th of September – More than 9 months early! There is a real passionate desire to be part of what YLCC is and will be.

That’s what building a real sustainable dream or business is: Patience, perseverance, and of course passion. 

I heard a new word today, it’s something that I instantly connected with deep down: WANTrepreneurship. It’s the idea of being an entrepreneur, which is now a trendy thing. It’s actually cool to be an “entrepreneur”. The sad reality is that 95% of these dreamers won’t last one year. That is an actual fact. Even sadder, only 0.04% will last 5 years or more.
Now more that ever, young and old will only come to the dreamers that are in it for the long haul. Dream big of course, but pace yourself. I’m still struggling to make the finish line. It will probably take me the rest of my life to get there.

It has taken me only 27 years to be an overnight success.
In leadership and gratitude, 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.