World Kindness (every)Day

I am not going to write a long message this week. 

As we recently celebrated Remembrance Day and recognized the 100th anniversary of the end of the first World War, I reflected.

I reflected at the state of the world and not just on the global scale. Yes, there is obvious challenges within the political climate. But, there is also a stress on the communities that we live and work in every day. We need to start being very aware and think about how we treat each other at school, in our work places, and online using social media.

Tuesday (today) is World Kindness Day, which is good and bad. Why do we need to remind ourselves that we need to be kind? It’s similar to Random Acts of Kindness Day. If we schedule a day for a random act does it not become “Scheduled” Acts of Kindness Day?

It’s like being grateful only on Thanksgiving. 

Here’s my challenge to you, and to everyone: Be kind everyday. Try to do something nice for someone. Every. Single. Day. It doesn’t need to be huge, but every act of kindness should be simple, sincere, and consistent.

I sometimes get down with all of the negative news and the horrible rhetoric that we hear. I choose to hold out hope. Don’t let it bring you down. Be a change maker.

I will do my part. I will work harder to help educate the youth we work with by showing them that kindness is cool! In fact it’s STUpendous!

Here’s an activity to do with your kids, the students in your class, or the people you work with. Brainstorm a list of 10 kind things you can do over the next 10 days for the people around you: Colleagues,  community, and even your family. Let’s do it!

In leadership and gratitude,
P.S. Early bird rates for BC Youth Leadership Seminars AND SPARK end December 31, 2018

Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.