End is the beginning

As we wrap up our 2018 year with different celebrations we all can look forward to one big celebration in MOST of the world: New Years!

It has been a very news worthy 2018. The political climate in North America and around the world is the most divisive I have ever seen in my almost 50 years of life. It’s hard to watch some days as someone who tries to teach the value of positive leadership, kindness, and growing to become a better human. It’s hard to understand how the world can have such a poisonous vibe.

As my friend and fellow speaker Ian Tyson likes to point out, the glass can always be half full, rather than half empty. 

Now more than ever we need to lead. We need to find ways to come together, to train and inspire the people we work with and the children we are raising. At YLCC we have SO many different programs. We  work hard to motivate students, educators, and parents; spring programs for students like BC Youth Leadership Seminars, SPARK, and OSLC Spring. We have lots to offer! (Deadlines are fast approaching  and these programs are filling up)

We have a NEW adult extreme program called EPIC! This very small program will blow your mind away and take your health, family, and business to another level! If you are interested you must message me and I will let you know. ONLY 54 spots left!

As individuals we can do a lot for ourselves to make the next 12 months better. I have 5 STUpendous tips for making OUR 2019 the best year yet!

1. Think of others first! 

This could be a game changer for the entire planet. If we decided to learn about  other peoples situations or backgrounds we would probably have more empathy for their stories and situations! Opt for kindness and patience, it’s always better!

2. Need Less, Have Less! 

I can guarantee that if you really looked at what you currently have, or buy on a yearly basis, you would see that you don’t need most of it. Being married to an amazing human I have learned that we don’t need as much as we think. She has pointed out that we can be far happier with much less. “Stuff” isn’t the key to happiness. Human connection is. So before you buy that SUPREME jersey or that NEW iPhone think, “Do I need it?" Also, before you buy your kid (of any age) everything they ask for… maybe say no. They probably have more than they need already. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses!

3. Tech Free Meals 

I am always proud when my grown kids tell me they appreciated our cell-phone free dinners. I loved it even more when they called me out if I ever had mine at the table. Put it away, another room, on silent. No, face down doesn’t count. As I tell people, you probably don’t work for NASA so, “It can wait!”

4. Connect Organically

Here’s a HUGE one! Try being present in conversations, don’t hold your phone while talking. Call someone instead of texting them. Suggest lunch, coffee, or dinner. Go to the movies together as friends or partners. If someone asks for your help or advice say YES and talk to them. Don’t be afraid to bring humanity back into being human in 2019!


This is important, perhaps the single biggest and simplest thing you can do! Write (with a pen, marker, pencil or crayon) a note of thanks to someone who has helped you. Even if it was 5 years ago, write them a note. Perhaps a teachers, colleague, or maybe even a speaker (wink, wink). People LOVE getting notes in the mail. Leave a note of gratitude or love to someone in your home. Your partner, your kids, your parents. Just say, “Love you, appreciate you! Have the BEST day!” Not because it’s a special day, but because it’s not. That makes it better. I think that writing notes is better than anything else but if you’re not a writer. Send an email or post a note on Facebook. Show people you are thankful they are in your life. I even encourage writing a gratitude list in your journal every day! 3-5 things or people you are grateful for. The science is overwhelming. It makes you feel better and is a BOOST to your immune system.

Finish the year strong, write a note to someone this very instant. You will both smile for it. 

In leadership and gratitude, 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.
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