
Every single BIG idea started with a small decision; either by one person or a small group. We often only look that the people who have done INCREDIBLE things and think, "There’s NO way that I could do that. I am just a one person."
The reality is you can.
If you start small, keep striving towards your goal, you will accomplish great things. If you are the person you wish to be everyday, to everyone you interact with, you WILL change lives. 

Speaking of accomplish INCREDIBLE things, I am so honoured and feel SO good that this is now up! My TEDx about micro decisions and macro impacts! I never share my speaking stuff, I don't even have a promotional video anymore (not since 1994!), and I don't do it for the applause. This message is powerful and timely. 
If you like it PLEASE let me know and maybe even SHARE it. 

Special thanks to Sara Rushforth (YLCC Alumni) for inviting and the University of Waterloo for hosting!

In leadership and gratitude,
P.S. Are you ready to have an EPIC life?

P.P.S. BC Leadership Seminars are filling up! We really do have a STUpenodous line-up this year!
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.