As I sit quietly at the island in my kitchen, sipping on a wonderful hot coffee and watching the snow gently fall, I reflect on…


Have you ever wanted something to just be done and over with, or to finally get here?

When you were a kid you couldn’t sleep before a birthday, family trip, Christmas morning, or summer vacation to start. On those days, you could get up EXTRA early - even with only a few hours of sleep the night before - your brain racing with excitement. Those were the days you wish you had as an adult. They didn’t require you to be a part of an early morning group that asked your five friends to hold you accountable for getting up, you just did

In fact, the summer seemed to be an endless resource for this extra energy. 

As we finally inch towards spring, and the green being back on the trees and the flowers blossoming, we become almost angry at the time we have right now. We think, as soon as this snow melts, as soon as the temperature is above zero, as soon as I don’t have to wear a heavy coat… as soon as, as soon as.

Maybe, instead, we should think of “as soon as” as today. What if we treated today as our own spring, our own fresh new day? I know it may sound a bit cheesy, but since we don’t have a clue how long we have on the planet, maybe then and only then will we embrace EVERY day; to lead ourselves with the same passion as our seven-year-old self did. 

Give it a try! Frame today, or maybe it’s tomorrow, as a gift. Live it fully and make it STUpendous!

In leadership and gratitude,

P.S. Attention teachers and students in British Columbia! The BC Leadership Seminars are coming. Check out the info HERE. 26 years of incredible leadership!

P.P.S. Don’t forget, if you live in Ontario, to check out the OSLC Spring conference. Have a chance to meet two-time gold medalist, Heather Moyse, and more than 15 other amazing speakers!!

P.P.P.S. EPIC is coming… If you’re serious about building a TRULY EPIC life, CLICK HERE
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.