49 Lessons for 49 STUpendous Years

Today, March 12th, is my birthday. I'm not really a BIG celebrator of birthdays. Don’t get me wrong, I love celebrating other people’s birthdays, and I definitely enjoy the posts on Facebook (we all do - admit it, you read every single one). I just think, do I deserve a celebration? All I did was survive one trip around the sun. Maybe it’s mom’s that should be celebrated on birthdays instead of the child? So happy birthday, MOM!

All that being said though, birthdays are a chance to reflect. To look at where you have been, what you have learned, how you have grown, and maybe what’s ahead in the future, the next trip around the sun. 

So I thought I would share my 49 (because it’s my 49th birthday) lessons I have learned so far. 
In no particular order, until number one, which I think is the most important I have learned to date!

49 - Trying different foods is a must. It takes 10 tries to really decide if you like it. 

48 - Teachers teach more than subjects, they teach perspective and process.

47 - Reading a real book that you can hold in your hand is therapeutic.

46 - Learning is a lifelong journey. You really don’t know everything…

45 - Dinner’s with loved ones should last 2 hours, otherwise you’re just eating.

44 - You can always change your thinking, be open.

43 - Sometimes it’s okay to be angry. It’s a necessary emotion.

42 - Sitting at the front of the plane is simply better.

41 - Geography should not limit relationships.

40 - You are capable of far more than you think you are.

39 - Treating the environment with respect will be more important than any single thing you can do in the long run.

38 - Treat everyone as if they are worth your time - because they are.

37 - Earl Grey Tea is the best tea in the world. 

36 - Good, bold, black coffee is what fuels my thinking.

35 - Really good sushi is rarely available at an all-you-can-eat establishment.

34 - Traveling to other countries is incredible and how we can defeat racism. 

33 - Everyone has a story. Take the time to learn other people’s journeys. 

32 - Writing in a journal daily is a game changer.

31 - Being kind is the most important attribute you can possess.

30 - Don’t keep score in relationships. In the end everyone loses.

29 - Do things for others without expecting anything in return.

28 - Summer Camp is the last bastion of hope for young people.

27 - Treat teachers with respect.

26 - Parents, allow your kids to fail. They will be better for it.

25 - Parents, allow teachers and camp counsellors to do their jobs.

24 - Family is important. I have the best family and I love them. 

23 - One amazing friend is better than 10,000 followers on Instagram.

22 - Eat dinner without a cellphone present. 

21 - Listen more than you talk.

20 - Sometimes you don’t have to have a better story.

19 - Animals are good for the soul, especially big brown labs.

18 - Young people, your parents aren't complete idiots. Maybe listen to their advice.

17 - Young men should treat women with respect. Not because they’re different but because they are equal.

16 - Say thank you. More than what seems normal. 

15 - Write thank you notes. 

14 - Say thank you for the right reasons, not for social media acknowledgement.

13 - A degree isn’t the only way to demonstrate that you’re smart. 

12 - Putting “entrepreneur” in your Instagram bio doesn’t mean you are one.

11 - My camp counsellors taught me more than most people in my life.

10 - People deserve 2nd and 3rd chances… sometimes a 4th.

9 - Canadians don’t have to stop being kind and considerate. It’s okay. It’s better than the opposite.

8 - You’re not always right. It’s okay to admit you made a mistake.

7 - Do your best to tell the truth, except when it hurts someone.

6 - Get a mentor.

5 - Be a mentor.

4 - More money doesn’t mean more happiness.

3 - Always put purpose before profit.

2 - You are the sum total of the 4 or 5 people you spend time with. Choose wisely.

1 - I have a lot more to learn, and to give. 

So as I begin my 50th year of life, I realize I am blessed. I just became a grandfather and I wake up with the most amazing partner I could have ever dreamed of. I realize that I am more fortunate than most. 

Here’s to the next trip around the sun, may it be full of STUpendous adventures, learning opportunities, and lots of laughter. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey. 

In leadership and gratitude,

P.S. I got the BEST birthday present ever, as on Saturday March 9th, I became a grandfather as my oldest daughter, Kristina, gave birth to a healthy, happy little boy we are calling Henry!

P.P.S. - Help your students end the year off with some inspiration to do great, and be great! Register for Spring OSLC, happening May 12th & 13th at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, ON.

P.P.P.S. - We also have our SPARK Leadership Conference at Canada's Wonderland on May 29th and 30th that'll be sure to bring them on a motivational ride! Students in grades 7 and 8, check out OSLC Jr. at Wonderland on May 31st!

P.P.P.P.S. - If you're out West, we haven't forgotten about you! Register today for our BC Youth Leadership Seminars on May 6th, 7th, and 8th in Kelowna, Surrey, and Victoria, sequentially.
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.