Feeling helpless is a lonely feeling.

We often feel that we are only one person, we can’t really do anything of significance. I mean, we can’t make real change in the world because we are just one among almost 8 billion. So, sometimes it seems we are just trying to get by. Survive with some level of happiness and comfort. Live within our own bubble.

This is how I feel often about the world around me. This is how people I know, personally feel about aspects of their personal life, their job, politics or maybe the environment. 

But here’s the thing, there is something you can do, that I can do. Always. We can make a decision to be a better person. Every SINGLE day. That’s the key. That’s the secret sauce. That’s how WE change the story, whether that’s individually for our own life, for a nation, a cause, the planet, whatever we feel helpless about. 

My story is one of deciding that I wouldn’t let my situation or situations define me. I have had a long list of “reasons” to give up hope and float through life like I’m treading water in that ocean of helplessness. But I haven’t. Somehow I just say to myself, “How do I change this? What can I do right now to do something that will change my feelings of overwhelm or loss?” 

Look, for those that are reading, this isn’t me saying go sing Kumbaya and hold hands with your neighbours. I realize that the inner-cynic in most of us rolls our eyes at the thought of just saying “look at the silver lining” or “the glass is half full”. But, there is some truth to that. 

Research overwhelmingly proves that helping others helps us. It’s proven that if you do good things for other people you feel better, actually in some cases it can change your physiology. On a personal level, they’re called endorphins. A chemical produced in your body that can act as a natural morphine and kill pain, and can also help bring about feelings of euphoria and general well-being. These are facts. 

Runners call it a “Runner’s High”, doing things that make others feel better could be called a “Helper’s High”. 

But, here’s the dealio: there are a crap load of books, articles, ted talks and compilation videos that will share this idea and this information. I am talking about the BIG picture. Changing a nation, helping the environment or standing up for a cause that needs to be fought for. We often think 'I can’t'. We actually get the same feelings of loss that we get from death or personal failure. We just don’t see a way out. 

I offer you this suggestion. Why not start today with a (what might seem silly) single step. Let me break it down, let’s start small…

Level One:
Feeling low? Make someone smile. How? Tell a cheesy dad joke to someone you are interacting with. Don’t have one? Here you go - Why did the Easter egg hide? It was a little chicken. Buy someone behind you his or her coffee. Hold open the door for someone. Ask the person behind the counter how they are doing. Say thank you, and look that person directly in their eyes when you do, with a genuine smile. Put your phone in your back pocket when you have a conversation. Tell a parent, or partner, or friend that you love them. 

The golden rule is SO true: “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Simply put, are you treating others how you want to be treated? Watch my TEDx for some examples.

Level Two:
My health isn’t good. We often get caught up in the over whelming feel of being overweight, out of shape or simply living an unhealthy life style. We jump on crazy diets, start a weird six days celery fast, or buy some quick fix machine. Thinking that it’s all or nothing. My suggestion is to pick one thing, and make a change. Just one. Park the farthest away at work or school and walk a bit more. Do that every day. Stop eating food three hours before bed. Cut out one snack a day. Drink alcohol less. Do 10 push-ups or 10 crunches a day, or both. Science proves that even as little 3 minutes of exercise a day has a positive effect on your mental health and can improve heart function.

Level Three:
The planet is dying. What can I do? SUPER simple. Today, recycle everything you can. Don’t use a straw. Don’t eat meat today. Just by eating meat-free intentionally once a week is a game changer. Check this out, National Geographic says, "If a family of four skipped meat and cheese one day a week, that would be the equivalent of not driving for five weeks”. 

Level Four: 
Helping a cause you care about. Open your journal (journals are good) and write out a list of causes you care about. What can you do to make a contribution to that cause, today? Could you volunteer once a week for an hour? Could you donate your extra change to help that charity or organization? Could you, maybe, as a staff team at work choose a charity that you could support? At OSLC I decided that 11 years ago we would pick one charity each year, and raise money for that charity. To date we have raised more that $127,000 for 10 different organizations and sent more than 100 youth to summer camp. It was a simple decision to help raise money for a cause I cared about (MS) and it went FAR beyond that. 

Level Five:
Politics, hatred, bigotry and racism are out of control and it’s hard to imagine bringing a child into the world. See level one.
Honestly, if we stop feeding the hate and fueling it, it has to starve and disappear. Simple way to start - avoid the comment pit of despair on the internet. Don’t read it, don’t respond to it, don’t embrace it. Respond with kindness if you have to reply. If an angry cynic person is yelling in the middle of the ocean, can anyone hear them? Nope. Also, here’s one I always refer back to, don’t keep score. In the end everyone eventually loses. 


In leadership and gratitude,

P.S. We're hosting our first ever adult leadership and development conference this April in British Columbia! Are you looking to lead an EPIC life? Apply today at www.theepiccommunity.com, and reach out to me for more info and a discount code!

P.P.S. One day of SPARK is already full! Wait list for Thursday, May 30th! Grades 9-12 students and advisors, don't miss out on Wednesday, May 29th AND Spark Jr. for grades 7 & 8 on Friday, May 31st.

P.P.P.S. Have you registered for Spring OSLC yet? You won't want to miss it! Register NOW.

Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.