The Five H's

Recently, while I was at the gym, I reflected on why it was important to be physically active. I wanted to share why I work out as often as I can, which usually means five to six times a week. While I was STUing on my reasons, it hit me that there are five important attributes to being a successful person. They just kind of hit me. I thought I would share them with you. 

1. Health - If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. I become more and more aware of that the older I get. When you’re young you can seemingly live a carefree life. Eat what you want, do what you want. But, as you age you realize that your health is a direct connection to your happiness. You must sleep well, eat well and be active EVERY single day. Check out the podcast I did with Dr. Greg Wells, who has a lot of amazing insights on health and success. 

2. Hustle - I don’t mean to get into the debate of whether hustle is a negative or positive term. I choose to look at it from a positive angle. It means opting to work, create and collaborate rather than waste time on YouTube, Netflix or oversleeping. It means getting up when you don’t really want to!

3. Hard work - There is NO quick fix or path to success for 99.9% of us. If you look at every successful athlete, entrepreneur or artist, their story is full of lengthy, often challenging stories of failure and missteps. We need to make sure that we try and find that hacks in life, we need to commit to our dreams through hard work every single day. 

4. Honesty - This is a simple one but often hard. My favourite quote is from Mark Twain, “If you always tell the truth, you never have anything to remember.” It’s a very true statement. I will leave that there. 

5. Happiness - For me this means doing things that bring you true happiness. Find the passion project or career that gets you up in the morning - to work hard to get it done, to reach your golden ring. Life is short and I believe that if you aren’t happy, then it’s time to re-evaluate. Surround yourself with people that bring you up and support your dreams and goals. 

I am sure there are more “H’s”, but these five seem to resonate with me. It’s Spring time and what better time to commit to living the life you want to. Have a great Easter Break!

In leadership and gratitude,

P.S. Hey British Columbia - Our BC Leadership Seminars are around the corner and we still have room! Check out the dates, locations (three to choose from) and the incredible speakers!

P.P.S. Summer Camp is coming! We are running out of room in MANY programs. Check out! 29 summers for STUpendous leadership! I will be there - will you or your children?

P.P.P.S. Don’t forget to END the year strong! Book an amazing Canadian speaker for your school, conference, or event. 15 of the BEST youth-focused speakers. Canadians inspiring Canadians! Simply awesome! 

Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.