The most important year of your life...
We often tell young people, that at some point in their life journey, they are experiencing the MOST important time of their lives. Maybe it’s going into high school, maybe it’s the beginning of their senior year, perhaps it’s their first year of college or university?
Maybe its when a family has their first child, buys their first home or gets their first BIG job. Are these the years that mean THE most? It could be the time you have to make a BIG life decision; where to live, work, play or invest. 
I believe these are ALL wrong, totally and completely. But there is actually one year that is THE most valuable, a real game changer!
Ready? The most important year of your life is... this year! The one that starts the moment you read this sentence. The next 365 days are the ones that matter the most. Every day, not just on January 1st you get a fresh 365 days. I know it sounds cheesy and ridiculous, but it’s a fact.
One of my favourite quotes is; “You have the ability to change your direction in any given second on any day of your life.” Think about it? You do! What could you stop doing TODAY in this moment that could create new ripples of awesome? 
Here’s your task as we finish another school year and begin a hopefully warm and perfect summer. Write the following question in your journal and answer it honestly. 
What’s one or two things I could do in each of these 7 life categories that would change my life in positive way?
1. Physical Health
2. Finance
3. Mental Health 
4. Learning and Growing 
5. Family Connection
6. Time Wasting
7. Spiritual Growth (this doesn’t have to be religious, it could just be your peace of mind or connection with nature)
Write down one or two changes or additions you could make in each category. They don’t have to be HUGE. Physical health could be going for a 20 minute jog every day. Finance could be bringing your coffee to work rather than buying one. Mental health could be doing a social media cleanse, getting rid of the negative people or groups you follow. Learning and growing could be reading a non-fiction book or watching a weekly TED talk or signing up for a course or event that interests you. Family connection could be simply telling your loved ones you love them or visiting them more (without any technology present). Time wasting could be deleting all useless apps on your phone or creating a limit for Netflix. Spiritual growth could be as easy as walking in the woods every week without a cell phone in your hand, creating a daily journal or even try using Headspace for 10 days (it’s a free meditation app).
These things could be game changers. Don’t OVER think it. Just start. There is HUGE power and potential in just beginning.
Here’s to a GREAT summer and a STUpendous thank you to EVERY single school, student, family and friend that supported YLCC over the last school year.
Up here on Lake Simcoe we are ready for the 28th edition of the YLCC Summer Camp, the greatest place on earth to spend your summer! Are your kids doing something awesome OR looking to do something awesome? There is still room in some programs and weeks! Email us with any questions!

In leadership and gratitude, 
P.S. GSLS is back next year! Spots are filling quickly and rates increase in September, register now! GSLS isn't only for schools; parents, guardians, or simply an adult chaperone can attend with their student (aged 13-18). 

P.P.S. Don’t forget to START the year strong! Book an amazing Canadian speaker for your school, conference, or event. 15 of the BEST youth-focused speakers. Canadians inspiring Canadians! Simply awesome! 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.