The Next Generation
“I believe it is my responsibility to make the world a better place for the next generation.”

This is written on the back of a t-shirt that I wore at camp. We used to ask our staff to wear their beliefs on the back of their shirts. The idea came from my friend Ward, who started a movement called "Mondonation". His outlook was, if we all wore our best belief on our shirts, that it would create a conversation for others to see we actually have more in common than we have differences.
I loved this idea. I also loved that statement on my shirt. I believe that it is the truth that moved me to do everything that I have done over the last 30 years; my single purpose. I used that statement as a filter to make my choices and reactions, it would in turn make the world a better place. I still believe that. 
We stopped asking our staff to do this, and so did Ward. Why? Simple answer is that it was hard. We had to chase our staff to get their belief statements in on-time to get them to the printer. We would some hire staff mid season and then they wouldn’t have a custom shirt. We said they could write it on, but that took time. Sometimes reminding an 18 year old to do something is really frustrating, you feel like a nag.
The reality is that, like positive, sustainable change, it’s hard. Really frickin’ hard.
It’s like quitting smoking, vaping, drinking, swearing, procrastinating, laziness, getting healthier… ALL are hard. It’s easier to do nothing at all. There isn’t a super simple template to make the world a better place. Too often, we hope that someone else will do it, that someone else will create the needed change. It’s also easy to turn the “blind eye”, to the things we know in our gut that need to be changed or need to be moved forward in a helpful way.
If you believe in something with all of your heart, make it your daily reminder to yourself to filter YOUR choices and decisions to help reach that North Star goal or vision.
Keep reminding yourself of the reason why you took that job, started that mission, stood on that stage, wrote that book, made that new friend, took that course of study, bought that plane ticket. If your daily actions don’t serve that ideal than maybe you have to course correct or maybe re-evaluate your choices. But at the end of the day, it’s not about making it easier or quicker or better for you. It has to be about the bigger picture.
For me it’s to make the world a better place for my kids, the next generation.

In leadership and gratitude, 
P.S. The Global Student Leadership Summit will be here before we know it (April 19-21, 2020 - London, ON)! Spots are filling quickly, register now! GSLS isn't only for schools; parents, guardians, or simply an adult chaperone can attend with their student (aged 13-18). 

P.P.S. Book an amazing Canadian speaker for your school, conference, or event this school year. 15 of the BEST youth-focused speakers. Canadian inspiring Canadian! Simply awesome! 
P.P.P.S. "Chapter 3" our newest YLCC Media Productions documentary is officially available to come to a Landmark Theatre near you or your school! Visit our website for more information. 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.