Take Your Chance
I was recently gifted two tickets to the Archangel Summit is Toronto and got to see one of my idols Seth Godin. I loved every moment of his speech. I also truly enjoyed Todd Herman who is a member of our EPIC Faculty and was touched deeply by Lisa Nichols, a featured teacher in the book, The Secret.

What I took away the most was Lisa’s message of "yes, YES”. The basic premise is that we need to embrace opportunity and the things that move and inspire us. She would have the crowd yell a solid "yes" and then a LOUDER "YES", if we agreed with something we heard that resonated with us. 

I found myself yelling "yes, YES" a lot. 

I got to thinking about how many youth, adults, parents, entrepreneurs don’t take the risks that they really want. We may say the first yes, but we don’t say the second YES! It makes me think of the Jim Carrey movie, “The Yes Man”. What if we started to say yes to the things we wanted to do and NO to the things that we don’t; the things or people that drag us down, force negativity onto us. What good would come if we could release the positive stuff into the world?

So today, maybe try something new, try something that may seem a bit scary. Even more important say NO to the things that are holding you back. Your future will thank you for it!

In leadership and gratitude, 
PS - We released the line-up for the 8th annual SPARK conference at Canada’s Wonderland. Book NOW and SAVE

PPS - The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS) is coming quick! Have you registered? We have some more speaker announcements coming!

PPPS - Are you coming to #OSLC41? Make sure you follow on instagram - @ylccstu
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.