What’s important?   
What a great question at this time of the year. As the holiday’s approach and the gift giving ramps up for many, there’s that age old question. What’s most important about the holidays? The gift giving or the family time? Many people I know have opted out of giving gifts or at least reduced the amount they give, wanting to focus on the time that they get with their family to share a dinner or just a fun day together. 

It’s a great question when you look at how you spend your time in general. Do you “waste” your time doing things that don’t move you forward towards your goals, scrolling endlessly, binge watching shows that you don’t even really want to watch, going down that YouTube rabbit hole? Do you really need to see 10 places that are hidden on earth? 

It’s a great question when you think about spending time with your friends and family. Recently I have been VERY reflective about the time you spend with people. I have been reminded after the passing of a dear friend that we NEED to intentionally spend time with those people that matter. Search for moments and opportunities that allow you to be together. 

It’s a great question when you think about how we treat each other. Do we judge too quickly or take the time to get to know what we have in common?

As a leader we need to decide what’s important. In my opinion, in politics right now it’s no longer about what’s important to the whole, it’s only what’s important to “us”; our team, side, party, cause. We need to change that, and the first step is in our own lives. 

I hope that in 2020, you will be more aware of what’s truly important. 

In leadership and gratitude, 
PS - We are hiring! More information can be found in this week's newsletter! Email your cover letter to info@ylcc.com if you are interested in any of the positions!

PPS - The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS) is coming quick! Have you registered? Register now!
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.