Wisdom from a cup of tea 
I was siting in a Starbucks recently. I was looking around the coffee house and saw a mug for sale, it had a tag attached to it that read…
I love that. Aren’t those powerful words and actions? I like how each word is followed by a period. Which means that each one is singularly important. We need to SIP. We need to TALK. We need to WRITE. My favourite is BE, because we need to sometimes stop pushing for tomorrow and BE in the moment. Live in the moment, now. Cherish the moment, now. Do what you love, now. 
I still remember years ago when my daughter was about 10. The sky at my home, which was camp at the time, was incredible, there were millions of stars. She suggested that we put on our winter gear and grab the sleds and enjoy the night. So much laughter… beautiful. My favourite moment, my BE, was when we lied down in the snow and looked up… magnificent. It was a time to forget about the next day, week, month, and to BE in that moment. I still to this day can close my eyes and remember it. Why? Because I was so in the moment. NO phone, no distractions. Pure perfection. I don’t even know what time it was.
Here’s a challenge for you. Write down each of those words and answer these questions: 
Sip - Who do you want to have coffee with? 
Talk - Who do you have conversations with, are you spending enough time in good conversations? 
Write - Do you journal, write songs, short stories or write real letters such as thank you cards and notes? 
Read - What are you reading? Gossip mags, social media apps or great books? 
Eat - What do you eat? Good food, bad food, healthy food? Are you nourishing your mind and body?
Listen - Are you listening to yourself, to your body, to what matters (we have two ears and one mouth for a reason...)?
Be - Are you in this moment? Enjoy it. 
Write your list in your journal, reflect on what you wrote. Are there places that you can improve to better yourself? Perhaps share it with a friend, maybe you will inspire someone else with your list.

In leadership and gratitude, 
PS - The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS) is approaching QUICKLY - April 19-21, 2020 in London, ON! Have you registered? Register now!
PPS - Book a Canadian youth speaker for your 2nd semester or spring leadership event!
PPPS - Registration is open for the SPARK Leadership Conference at Canada's Wonderland! Hear from some top youth speakers in the AM and spend your afternoon on the roller coasters.
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.