If you GIVE of yourself and expect something in return you’re not GIVING, you are simply trading.

That lesson I learned a few years ago from Robin Sharma a few years ago, has stuck with me and it’s a hard one to understand. I have been questioned on why I give. I remember once when a parent asked me if her son could come to camp if they could only pay a small portion of the registration. I said without hesitation, yes! 

A new staff member was there and said, “I think she has enough money to pay for camp! Why would you help her? What if she screws you over?” 

I replied, “Maybe she won’t. So I choose to help.”

I have found in my life that if you GIVE more than you worry about receiving, you win. When I say “win” I mean 'feel good'. It also sends the right message in our fairly angry world these days. 

No matter who needs help, I say help! If you can, you should. Some people will keep score; they will judge you on the amount you give. Don't mind them.  Sometimes you will miss an opportunity, but keep trying.

GIVING doesn’t have to be money, it can be time or a helping hand. Today is #GivingTuesdayCA; a day you should give to others. The day isn’t over and in fact and giving isn't limited to one day. Just give. 

I am going to give you something right now!

If you register by December 1st for the Global Student Leadership Summit, use code: STU 17 and I will give you 17% off the current registration fee.

Here’s another!

If you want to come to our SPRING OSLC conference in Kingston I will give you 25% off the current fee until December 15th. All you have to do is email me

Wait one more!

If you click here and tell me your favourite holiday treat, we will enter you into a draw to win a winter OSLC package! 

Lastly, and most important, don’t keep score! If you do, in the end everyone loses – Just GIVE!
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.