Green grass and stone flowers

I have worked in the same job for 27 years. I haven’t quit that job or wished I had another. I have received offers along the way to both sell my business or to help run another, but in the end I have always loved what I do. I know how rare that is.

Having said that, there are long days and frustrating moments. There are massive disappointments that rise to meet the victories. There are days that the idea of punching a clock, doing the bare minimum, then going home to unplug from the responsibility seems very attractive.

When I have those days I take a breath, go for a walk, and look back at something I have done or that our team has accomplished. I see all of these achievements taking root, growing, and continuing to live on. I become inspired and reinvigorated thinking of the beauty of this garden I have helped create.

Often, people will look over the fence at someone else’s job or relationship and think, “That’s what I want!” or “They really have it good!”. You may have heard the cliche, “The grass is always greener on the other side.”

In reality some of these people may have it better. There may be parts of that person’s life or career that are better. But why? I think it may be because they learned to grow ‘stone flowers’. 

A stone flower is something that grows wherever it is planted. People who grow stone flower are the ones that take the time to assess where they are, then take an honest look at what they are doing to contribute; they help to make the grass greener. 

Through any struggle there needs to be hard questions: Am I helping my situation or am I sabotaging it? Am I simply moving things along or am driving them forward?  Did I leave things better than when I found them?

At the end of the day, the questions that matters most are those that help reveal positive contributions to your universe and to the world as a whole? Ask yourself, “Do I have passion for what I do or who I’m with?” This includes friendships. We have a finite amount of time on this planet; fill it with people, journeys, and tasks that make your heart feel full, build your soul, and leave a positive mark on the community you live in. 

So instead of leaving a relationship or a career for seemingly greener pastures, perhaps you should consider watering the lawn and looking for ways to let the sunshine. Help build something you can be proud of. I know I am. I like the people who surround me – It’s a kick ass garden!

In Leadership and gratitude, 
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.