The Naysayers and distractors

We just finished our Global Student Leadership Summit and it was a MASSIVE success. I may even say STUpendous! Ok, I just did.

I spent time reading through the hundreds of reviews, and I was blown away by the amazing responses. More than 97% of the surveyed delegates said that they would recommend GSLS to others. They also said they would return to the NEXT summit. In fact, more than 1,500 pre-registrations were submitted for the next GSLS in 2020!

Save the date: April 19-21, 2020 - Let us know if you want more information! Contact Kara.

Here’s something that is always a struggle for me as a leader, thinker, game changer, entrepreneur, and social advocate. We can get overwhelmingly great feedback but the one that’s negative stands out like a car’s headlights at night – It’s almost blinding. 

We had one such response. It was long and listed off all of the things that were “wrong” with our Global Summit. While many might dismiss this as an errant complaint, I embrace it for what it is: all things that can and will be improved upon. 

One of our practices at YLCC is to pull apart our programs and figure out how they can be better. I remind myself of the quote by Jim Collins: “Good is the enemy of great. That’s why so few things become great.”  We have already started the list for the next summit in 2 years! It will be an even greater world-class event.

In life, if you want to do anything that is different or new then prepare yourself for the doubters and critics. But, don’t let them define you. Don’t get angry either because it’s an opportunity to improve. 

Another great quote I believe in deeply is, “Nothing breeds complacency like success.”

We were successful and the team that helped was exceptional. They believe in making things better. There’s a great feeling of pride in our offices right now. We are excited to take that feeling onto our BC Leadership Seminars, our Spring OSLC and the SPARK leadership days at Canada’s Wonderland!

To all those that came to GSLS, thank you. To Kara, Ian, Ash and the entire team, you are THE best. 

Keep leading!
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.