How will I make a difference?

Stop asking yourself what you will do when you grow up? Really, stop it!

There was an amazing, eye-opening statistic that came out last year. It said that 65% of students entering primary school in 2017 will ultimately have jobs that don’t currently exist.


It’s impossible to know what jobs will be available or still be around by the time you are making post-secondary choices. So stop asking that question!

The questions you need to ask yourself is, “How will I make a difference in the world?” 

Difference makers follow their passion to find their purpose. To do this you should need to figure out what excites you, or get’s your heart pumping. Think about what you would get up early to do and stay up late to finish because you want to! 

So today, take some time to write in your journal. Ask the question“What am I passionate about?”, and write your list of answers. This is where your life journey will begin.

If you haven’t found what your passionate about, make a list of things you have always wanted to try or experience. Next figure out how to create opportunities to try those things. 

If you can’t actually try them, then watch a TED talks about the topics or careers that excite you. Google the things that spark your interest. Go find a book and read it (books are still very cool).

Regardless of what it is, find your passion, ride that for a while. It worked for me!
P.S. Don’t forget we still have room for SPARK leadership days at Canada’s Wonderland and OSLC Jr. 

Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.