Leadership is heart

This one is important.

Yesterday at YLCC we held a service celebrating the life of a 17 year old camper. A young girl that took her own life. She was a beautiful, fun, and talented teenager that was not able to find peace. It was one of the saddest things I have ever been part of. 

I was asked to speak on behalf of YLCC. She had said that summer camp was the only place that she felt truly happy. I understand. Research shows we need to connect kids with nature because it heals. That is why I did not hesitate when asked if her family and friends could come to camp. More than 400 people gathered in our dining hall to remember her on a beautiful fall day. We had a lovely service… I guess. I say, “I guess” because I struggle with what to do next. How do we stop this? Is there an easy solution? The answer is no, the solution requires ongoing effort and attention.

This morning I chatted with a member of our amazing camp health team. We talked about the challenges of mental health and concluded that we just need to keep pushing forward. We need to keep making connections, keep trying to reach more youth with positivity, and meet them where we can on their journey. At summer camp we are working on a new protocol for helping and understanding. It won’t be perfect. It will be a constantly evolving work but we will push forward.

Recently, I was questioned by an adult who works in education. They asked if I was doing what I do for the right reasons; could I really just be trying to reach kids and help? They insinuated that I must have a financial goal or ulterior motive. I don’t. There will always be cynics and critics. I may never change the doubters, but that won’t stop me. 

I am actually just trying to reach more kids and provide them with substance and tools to become better humans and leaders. There’s a weird notion that if you are doing good for others you can’t or shouldn't make living at it. I think that’s the notion we need to fix. We can celebrate the people who run companies, for-profit companies that do good in the world, and show youth it's possible to make a GREAT living changing the world: helping others, caring for the planet, developing youth leaders. Imagine the awesome world we can create if we do. 

I am now more motivated to have LESS “lovely services”. Events like we had yesterday are the reason I made the film Rising Above; To give hope to youth who struggle. It’s awesome that I am able to pay someone to promote that message and take the film across Canada… but the message is what’s important. 

Similarly, the speakers in our bureau work hard to empower and inspire. They make SO much less than their corporate colleagues, yet they continue trying to make a difference in young people’s lives!

I would rather see a teacher, entrepreneur or nurse be paid a million dollars than another basketball player given 30 million dollars. 

What if we embrace the change makers; these incredible humans focused on positivity?

Maybe if we do, the heroes of our young people won’t just be professional athletes, rappers and rock stars, movie stars and models. Their heroes will also be story tellers, ethical entrepreneurs, teachers, social activists, and healers. 

Maybe then our youth will measure their lives not based on ‘likes’ or the money they’re given, but on the positive impact they make.

Every YLCC program was created to change the conversation, to make a difference. That’s my mission, and it can be yours too. 

In leadership and gratitude,
Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) inspires and empowers today’s youth to leave a positive impact on our world. With our innovative leadership programs and dynamic staff, we instil in students a greater understanding of the short and long term impacts of their words, choices and actions.