
Now that you are all home, you and  your family could stay active with some fun workouts. Here is an effecticve and easy routine to work out. Not only you will improve flexibility, control the corporal weight and regulate blood pressurem but will aso help your mind to relax and lowers stress and tension levels. Below are a couple of exercises for your arm and legs, in addition to an easy Pilates & Cardio workout.
15 pushups
30 second plank
25 mountain climbers
30 second plank
15 triceps dips
30 second plank
20 cross punches

Repeat 3x

20 lungs (each leg)
25 squats
20 glute bridges
30 second wall sit
1 minute plank
30 second wall sit
25 donkey kicks (each leg)
Repeat 3x 1 minute rest between sets
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