Shipboard Well-Being
Dealing with stress and anxiety. Trying to carve out meaningful time for ourselves. Handling frustration and job pressure. We all have to deal with these daily challenges, but doing so while shipboard is especially difficult. With that in mind, the resources on this page are designed to help you learn to anticipate and overcome these challenges and find fulfillment in your life at sea.
Contact Your CAP Program
Struggling with Mental Health
This quick guide offers healthy ways to help yourself and others through trying times.
Offshore Mental Health
The challenges we all face with our mental health are especially difficult for those in close quarters. This guide can help you learn to control your emotions instead of letting them control you.
Listening to Someone Who is Hurting
 Whenever people face grief, injury or other trauma, they need to talk about it in order to heal. Learn how you can be a good listener and crewmate to someone in need.
Coping With a Traumatic Event
Traumatic events often provoke a sense of horror and helplessness. Learn how you can better cope and stay resilient during such times.
On-Demand Trainings
Check out our catalogue of On-Demand Trainings you can take anytime and  anywhere you have 5 to 10 minutes to spare.
The Importance of Mental Health
In this podcast, Capt. Gennaro Arma of the Discovery Princess discusses mental health and how crew members can take advantage of the CAP to maintain and improve their well-being, while at sea and at home.
Podcast with Mark Pells, Hotel General Manager, Holland America Line
Holland and Seabourn
How well do you handle stress?
Are you a stress master or, like most of us, could you use a little help when facing stressful situations?
Take this quiz and find out.
Stress and Exercise
Exercise is key to keeping stress in check. Learn how to stick to an exercise plan and what you can do to get a workout anywhere, anytime.
Shipboard Resilience
Resilience is a powerful tool when dealing with setback. Learn how to develop yours and how it can benefit you and your career.
Coping with a Crew Member's Death
 Coping with the death of a colleague can feel overwhelming. Identifying and accepting your feelings, finding comfort in your crewmates, and asking for help can ease the grieving process.
Manager's Guide: Helping Employees Deal with Traumatic Events
It's hard to know how to help those you manage who are dealing with grief, loss and other trauma. This HelpSheet offers tips and techniques to help managers help others during these times.
Relaxation Experience
On a work break? Learn how you can turn even the briefest of pauses into a chance to de-stress and center yourself.
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