FMLASource® AbsenceTalksSM
Webinar Series for HR/Absence Professionals

Absence Programs for Today and Tomorrow
In this multi-part series, FMLASource legal, account and product experts discuss the current state of FMLA, ADA and other leave programs and provide analysis, best practices, and emerging approaches, helping HR professionals navigate the ever-changing landscape of leave programs. 
Upcoming Webinars
Mental Health Impacts of a Medical Diagnosis 
Monday, November 4, 2024 at Noon CT

You or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. The emotions experienced after receiving a cancer diagnosis, having a heart attack, or while trying to manage a chronic condition can be overwhelming. This training will discuss how you can expect this news to impact mental health, and strategies you can utilize to help process and adjust to changes in your lives. This training will help you: 
  • Identify common reactions to diagnosis
  • Reflect on the adjustment and lifestyle changes that may be necessary for you or your loved one
  • Understand the psychological strain experienced by caregivers
  • Practice ways to manage daily stress and learn the resources available to seek help
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Customer Insights Panel: Ask the Experts
Monday, November 18, 2024 at Noon CT

Leaves of absence due to mental health reasons are on the rise. With 2025 around the corner, this 30-minute session will feature challenges our customers are facing and how we solve their concerns, proactively addressing the mental health needs of employees on leave, support for caregivers, and firsthand experiences from our experts and leaders. ComPsych Chief Operating Officer Dale Grenolds will facilitate this panel discussion featuring Vice President, Absence Account Services Sara Galle and Director, Health and Well-Being Beth Brown.

Have a question or topic you would like us to cover during this session? Please type them in the Questions & Comments box below on the registration page.
FMLA & ADA Today: What You Need to Know for 2025
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at Noon CT

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) went into effect this year, complicating an already complex leave landscape. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will summarize the absence trends from 2024, discuss the latest developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the PWFA and other laws that impact employee absences. Join this webinar to stay up to date on state and federal leave regulations, understand what these changes mean for your programs in 2024, and what steps employers should consider.

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Past Webinars
Maternity and Parental Leave Program Considerations 
Thursday, September 26, 2024 at Noon CT

In today’s dynamic work environment, optimizing maternity and parental leave policies for compliance while fostering a supportive workplace for parents is of utmost importance. This webinar will explore program considerations for sustainable and supportive parental leave, program examples, compliance considerations, and how to support employees while they are out on family leaves.
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Caregiver Burnout: The Follow Up
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at Noon CT

Our recent data has found that people who take leaves of absence from work to care for others are more likely to also take a leave for themselves at a later date, mostly citing a mental health concern as the reason. In this follow up to our two-part caregiving series, we will discuss absence trends in general and around caregiving and share market observations and future insights, all followed by a live Q and A.
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Managing Intermittent Leave
Monday, August 26, 2024 at Noon CT

Year after year, intermittent leave continues to be among the most time-consuming, costly and challenging leaves to manage. In this 45-minute session, our leave administration expert will discuss key considerations, options and pitfalls when managing intermittent leave, all followed by live Q&A. 
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Caring for the Caregiver Part 2: Caring for Working Parents
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at Noon CT

Parents make up 40% of the workforce in which burnout, stress, and anxiety are prevalent. All of those mental health concerns are exacerbated when raising children and running a household are factored in. How can working parents find a healthy balance between the demands of work and life? In part two of this two-part series on caregiving, ComPsych Director of Health & Well-Being, Beth Brown, will share common work-life challenges for people in this group, identify and discuss organizational benefits of supporting parents in the workplace, and highlight well-being services that can support working parents.

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Caring for the Caregiver Part 1: Caring for Adult Loved Ones
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at Noon CT

By 2030 all Baby Boomers will be 65 and older and according to the AARP, we are headed for a “silver tsunami,” which will also result in a caregiver tsunami. Today, nearly 6 in 10 American workers struggle to balance work and their caregiving responsibilities for an adult loved one. According to a 2023 survey by Employee Benefit Research Institute, the same percentage of employees do not feel financially prepared for being unable to work while they provide care. As we consider these numbers, it is important for organizations to consider who is caring for the caregiver.
In part one of our two-part series on caregiving, ComPsych Clinical Director Dr. Jennifer Birdsall will discuss common work-life challenges for working caregivers of adult loved ones (family members, friends, and neighbors), identify and share organizational benefits of supporting caregivers in the workplace, and highlight impactful well-being services that can support working caregivers.

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The Psychological Pressures of “Middle Management”
Monday, June 24, 2024 at Noon CT

Have you ever felt yourself being pulled in multiple directions at work while trying to meet the expectations of others? Middle managers face unique challenges in multidirectional leadership up to their boss, down to employees and across to peers. Wearing multiple hats as a manager can cause frustration and confusion that lead you to question “what is my role?” This training will discuss keys to navigating the psychological pressure of leading from the middle by considering the importance of influence, roles, and expectations.

This training will help you:
• Describe the different roles of a middle manager
• Identify the unique benefits and challenges you face in middle management
• Reflect on the roles you play when facing conflicting agendas at work
• Practice the skills of active listening, setting boundaries, and managing expectations with your boss and coworkers
This session is eligible for one (1) hour of HRCI® credit.
Speaker: Paige McCullough, Learning & Organizational Excellence Trainer, ComPsych

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Compliance Brief: Final Regulations for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at Noon CT

The final regulations for the Pregnant Workers Fairness act were published by the EEOC on April 19, 2024, over eight months after the act went into effect. In this session, two experts and attorneys, our own Matt Morris and Rich Mrizek of Jackson Lewis, will review the regulations and discuss their implications for the pending effective date of June 18, 2024.

Matt Morris, FMLASource, ComPsych
Rich Mrizek, Jackson Lewis 

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Mental Health Matters: Strategies for Managing Anxiety
Monday, May 6, 2024 at Noon CT

Anxiety is and has been on the rise. In fact, it is the most common issue Gen Z-ers bring up in therapy. According to our own book of business data, anxiety started appearing in 2014 as a reason for seeking out counseling. In 2020, anxiety jumped to the top of our charts and has stayed there ever since, worsening even. As a society, what is making us so anxious and how can we deal with it in a healthy way? Join this session to find out.

Speaker: Jennifer Birdsall, Ph.D., ABPP, Clinical Director, ComPsych

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Trending Now: Current and Future Absence Trends
Thursday, February 22, 2024 at Noon CT

Overall leave of absence requests have spiked nearly 150% over the past five years. This trend has impacted organizations across a broad range of industries and geographies. What’s causing the uptick and how is it impacting absence management programs? In this session, our speakers will discuss the current absence landscape and how we got here, followed by a live Q and A.

Sara Galle, Director of Account Services, Absence, ComPsych
Chris Verdoorn, Reporting & Data Analytics Manager, ComPsych

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FMLA and ADA Today: What You Need to Know for 2024
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at Noon CT

The turbulence of the last several years has made the already complex landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration even more challenging. As we head into 2024, are things getting back to normal or are we in the “new normal”?

In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will summarize absence trends from 2023, such as remote work accommodations, FMLA intermittent leave, and the considerations employers need to address to make the “new normal” more normal. Using real-life scenarios attendees will learn about the latest developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws that affect employee absences. Join this webinar to stay up to date on state and federal leave regulations, understand what these changes mean for your programs in 2024, and what steps employers should consider.

In this session, you will learn:
• Regulatory and compliance updates
• How to understand the changes that took place in 2023 to help you prepare for 2024

Matt Morris, Vice President, FMLASource, ComPsych

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Absence and Well-Being:  Opportunities for a Holistic Approach 
Monday, November 6, 2023 at Noon CT

Overall leave of absence requests have spiked nearly 150% over the past five years, while leaves related to mental health are up an extraordinary 250% during that same period. Now more than ever, employees need the right level of well-being support, at the right time and in the right way. In this session ComPsych Director of Account Services, Absence, Sara Galle and Manager, Health & Well-Being, Beth Brown, will dive into recent leave trends, and discuss how innovative care solutions like well-being coaching can address a broad range of mental health, physical health and well-being issues, serving as both a preventative resource to reduce overall leave, as well as a care resource for employees on leave to accelerate recovery and help them get back to work more quickly.

In this session, attendees will learn about:
• Overall trends in absence due to mental health conditions.
• Holistic care to meet employees where they are.
• Benefits of integrated well-being coaching.

Sara Galle, Director of Account Services, Absence, ComPsych
Beth Brown, Manager, Health & Well-Being, ComPsych

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Mental Health and Absence: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at Noon CT

Prior to the pandemic, there was already a mental health crisis brewing in the U.S., with as many as 1 in 5 individuals exhibiting diagnosable conditions, not to mention the significant systemic challenges related to care access and deferred treatment. Recent data has suggested that all of these factors have gotten notably worse since that time and nowhere have these effects been more evident than with employee absence, where mental health related leaves have more than tripled in some industries over the past three years. In this session, FMLASource attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris and ComPsych clinical director and psychologist Dr. Jennifer Birdsall, will analyze emerging absence trends related to behavioral health and use real-life scenarios to discuss the challenges related to administering these leaves, and provide practical strategies that can help the employee and employer alike.

In this session, attendees will learn about: 
  • The personal and corporate factors that are driving increased levels of behavioral health claim
  • The recent top legal developments in FMLA and ADA related to mental and behavioral health, and similar types of conditions
  • Strategies to help the employee and employer through the FMLA and ADA process related to behavioral health issues and claims

Jennifer Birdsall, Ph.D., ABPP, Clinical Director, ComPsych
Matt Morris, Vice President, FMLASource, ComPsych

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Trending Now: The New Normal in Absence 
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at Noon CT

It’s no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted employer leave of absence programs in every location and industry. What might be news is that these elevated levels of leave, and often the underlying well-being issues causing them, have remained at elevated levels or increased ever since. In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss recent and longitudinal condition and incidence trends across different types of organizations, all followed by live Q&A. 

Sara Galle, Director of Account Services, Absence, ComPsych 
Chris Verdoorn, Reporting & Data Analytics Manager, ComPsych

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Compliance Brief - The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and Other Recent Regulatory Developments
Thursday, June 15, 2023 at Noon CT

With the June 27 rollout of the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PFWA), the regulatory landscape for FMLA, ADA and leave administration continues to be active. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will review and summarize key aspects of the PFWA, the related PUMP Act, and how they will affect individual LOA programs. Live Q&A will follow.

Matt Morris, Vice President, FMLASource, ComPsych

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Managing Intermittent Leave 
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at Noon CT

Year after year, intermittent leave continues to be among the most time-consuming, costly and challenging leaves to manage. In this 45-minute session, leave administration experts will discuss key considerations, options and pitfalls when managing intermittent leave, all followed by live Q&A. 

Matt Morris, Vice President, FMLASource, ComPsych
Sara Galle, Director of Account Services, Absence, ComPsych   

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Compliance Brief – Recent Regulatory Developments
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at Noon CT

The regulatory landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration has never been more challenging or complex. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will review recent regulatory developments and emerging absence trends, followed by live Q&A.

Matt Morris, Vice President, FMLASource, ComPsych

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Trending Now: 2022 Leave Trends and Observations and What They Mean for 2023
Thursday, February 23, 2023 at Noon CT

The past few years have challenging for businesses and employees alike, and nowhere is this more keenly felt than with leave administration. Between increasingly complex federal, state and local leave regulations and widespread employee well-being challenges, things in absence have never been more complicated. In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss and analyze 2022 leave data, make observations, and identify trends to watch for as we get further into 2023. Live Q&A will follow. 

Sara Galle, Director of Account Services, Absence, ComPsych 
Chris Verdoorn, Reporting & Data Analytics Manager, ComPsych

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FMLA & ADA Today: What You Need to Know for 2023
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at Noon CT

The pandemic made the already complex landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration even more challenging. Meanwhile, many states are rolling out paid family and medical leave programs, which add a further layer of complexity to managing leave programs. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will analyze emerging absence trends, such as increased leaves for mental health and long COVID, and use real-life scenarios to discuss the latest developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws that affect employee absences. In addition, Matt will highlight what these changes mean for your programs and what steps you should consider.

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Preventing Employee Burnout
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at Noon CT

Burnout is a growing concern for many employers, as it can impact morale, employee retention, work productivity and more. In this session, we describe the signals that leaders can watch for and introduce strategies to help them prevent burnout from impacting the workforce. 

This training will help you:
• Describe factors that increase the likelihood that burnout will become a problem• Identify signals that indicate an employee may be starting to feel burnt out
• Create a work environment that makes burnout less likely• Initiate productive conversations with employees who are showing signs of burnout 

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Six Ways Your Managers Are Causing FMLA/ADA Leave Lawsuits, and How to Train Them to Stop
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at Noon CT

Over the past year alone, a number of employers have been forced to defend FMLA and ADA lawsuits due to an inappropriate comment from a supervisor or other deviation from corporate policy by a manager. A snide comment about an employee in an email, not recognizing FMLA leave, or asking an employee to work while on leave – these are all common causes for landing an employer in legal hot water. Despite an organization’s best policies (and intentions), all it takes is a new or untrained manager to cause an FMLA or ADA-related lawsuit. In this session, Matt Morris, attorney and VP of FMLASource will use a case-study format to show how managers undermine otherwise compliant corporate policies and HR practices. Our presenters also will provide a practical method you can use when designing your own FMLA and ADA training program.


Breaking Barriers: The Critical Connection Between Employee Well-being and Absence
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11AM CT
It’s no secret that issues related to health and well-being affect absence. Unfortunately, absence administration and well-being benefit management are often separate and independent functions within an organization. As a result, vital opportunities to support employees on leave are often missed, which can lead to a myriad of other organizational issues, from absenteeism and low productivity to high healthcare costs and poor retention. No matter what side of the house you’re on, there are things you can do to help.

In this session, ComPsych Executive Vice President Dale Grenolds will discuss current factors and drivers of absenteeism, and identify innovative strategies for connecting programs and services to provide individuals with the right care and support at exactly the right time. Live Q&A to follow.
The State of Leave: Paid State Leave Trends and Observations
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at Noon CT

Today, there are more than 200 state leaves in addition to increasingly complex federal leave regulations. While administering all of these disparate leaves is complex, the local, regional and national trends they reveal can be telling and often signal larger issues in employee well-being. In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss and analyze recent paid state leave trends, focusing on three recent paid state leaves; all followed by live Q&A.
Absence Trending: The Effects of COVID-19 on Leaves of Absence
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at Noon CT

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted leave of absence programs of employers in every location and industry. Often, these leave trends signal larger issues in employee well-being. In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on employee absence and absence programs and analyze recent and longitudinal condition, leave and denial trends among different types of organizations, all followed by live Q&A.
Mental Health Awareness for Leaders
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at Noon CT

Managing individuals who may be struggling with stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns can be a difficult balancing act. Your role is to manage performance and to bring out the best in your workforce, but accomplishing this often requires you to express concern and support when employees struggle emotionally. Managers often feel uncomfortable in this aspect of their role and may lack the important skills of “emotional management.” This course covers ways employees may present their distress and offers insights and strategies on forging supportive empathic alliances within the role of

In this one-hour session, ComPsych program experts will identify common mistakes managers make in responding to employees in distress and explain communication skills that express support and convey positive expectancy. Participants are also given information on how to refer employees to the Employee Assistance Program, all followed by live Q&A.

By the end of this workshop, you will:
• Understand the universality of mental health issues in the workplace
• Recognize the most common symptoms of mental illness
• Identify the most common unhelpful reactions to symptoms, why they occur and how to avoid them
• Identify ways of expressing compassion and developing an alliance with distressed employees
• Reduce the stigma associated mental illness and promote ways of supporting one another in the workplace
• Recognize the warning signs of suicide
• Identify support services and resources for all leaders and employees
FMLA & ADA Today: What You Need to Know for 2022
Thursday, November 18, 2021 at Noon CT

The pandemic made the already complex landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration even more challenging. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will discuss the latest developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws that affect employee absences, focusing particularly on changes and guidance driven by the pandemic. In addition, Matt will highlight what these changes mean for your programs and what steps you should consider.
Managing Staff Through Stressful Situations 
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at Noon CT

When facing heightened stress, employees react in diverse ways. For some, stress leads to a dropoff in performance, lowered morale or emotional outbursts. For others, high-pressure, stressful situations actually become an opportunity to shine. As a a manager, it’s difficult to anticipate the multitude of reactions you’re likely to observe during times of stress, and even harder to be equipped with the tools to handle them all.

In this 50-minute session, ComPsych Vice President of Training Kenny Zuckerberg will provide insights into planning for the expected and the unexpected as well as practical tools for dealing with both positive and negative employee behaviors during stressful times.

By the end of this workshop, you will:
• Anticipate the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral reactions you observe among employees
• Describe how personal accountability helps people cope with stressful times
• Handle problematic employee behavior effectively and empathetically
• Practice self-care techniques to manage your own stress during challenging times

Managing Intermittent Leave 
Thursday, October 7, 2021 at Noon CT

The pandemic made the already complex landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration even more challenging. This is especially true when it comes to intermittent leave, which continues to be among the most time-consuming and costly leaves to manage. In this 45-minute session, attorney, senior account manager and ADA coach Pinita Y. Shah, Esq. will discuss key considerations, options and pitfalls when managing intermittent leave, all followed by live Q&A.
Running in Place: Addressing Burnout in the Workplace
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at Noon CT

While anxiety and depression continue to top the mental health presenting issues list, burnout has become rampant and currently represents one of the biggest corporate risks to retention and productivity. In this 30-min. session, ComPsych clinical experts will discuss the topic of burnout, ways it can be acknowledged and addressed at home and in the workplace, and how GuidanceResources can help, all followed by live Q&A.
The Post-Pandemic Return to the Workplace - Part II: FMLA/ADA/LOA Key Considerations
Thursday, July 29, 2021 at Noon CT

The pandemic made the already complex landscape of FMLA, ADA and leave administration even more challenging. Today, many businesses that closed their physical locations due to the pandemic have recently reopened or are planning an imminent return, but under confusing and changing guidance from legislative bodies and enforcement agencies. In this session, ComPsych legal and leave administration experts will discuss key developments and leave program considerations related to returning to the place of work.
Absence Trending: Essential Businesses 
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at Noon CT
The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched organizations to their limits, especially those defined as “essential” businesses and services. In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss and analyze recent condition, leave and denial trends among essential businesses, all followed by live Q&A.
The Post-Pandemic Return to the Workplace: Key Considerations
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at Noon CT
After nearly a year of pandemic-related shutdowns and lockdowns across the country, vaccines are becoming available and the overall population is beginning to gain protection from COVID-19. Now, many business that closed their physical locations in 2020 are evaluating what a physical return might look like in the near future. In this session, ComPsych medical and clinical experts will discuss key safety and social considerations when thinking about returning to the place of work. 
The Effects of COVID-19 on Leaves of Absence
Thursday, February 11, 2021 at Noon CT
In this session, FMLASource account and product experts will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on employee absence and absence programs, all followed by live Q&A.
FMLA & ADA in a Post-Pandemic World: What You Need to Know for 2021 
Thursday, November 12, 2020 at Noon CT
In a constantly changing regulatory environment, HR professionals are challenged to stay compliant with and reduce the impact of leaves of absence for their organizations. In this session, attorney and FMLA/ADA expert Matt Morris will discuss the latest developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws that affect employee absences, focusing particularly on changes driven by the current pandemic. In addition, Matt will highlight other significant developments along with strategies for managing absenteeism and addressing regulatory changes.
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