Bucknell in Love
It's no secret that love blossoms at Bucknell. 
Enjoy this collection of timeless Bucknellian love stories!
Jessica Gibson '18 & Scott Drummond '18
We met in 2014 during the fall semester of our first year. We were introduced by mutual friends who lived on Malcolm 1 with Scott, and our first "date" was a walk to the campus bookstore downtown for coffee! We dated all throughout our time at Bucknell and were married on Oct. 22, 2023 with many Bucknellians in attendance.
Susan Styer Dautel '73, P'05, P'10 & William Hamilton '73
Bucknell brought us together and goes with us on our travels (see our hats) — but it took a while! We both are Class of 1973 but didn’t meet until our 45th Bucknell Reunion in 2018. Since then, we have had many adventures around the world, including a recent expedition trip to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and Antarctica. When we’re not traveling, we live on a beautiful beach in Florida. Thankful that love blossomed belatedly at Bucknell!
 Alan Steiss '59 & Patsy (McClintock) Steiss '59 
Pat and I met during first year orientation in 1955. For me, it was love at first sight. We were married a few days after we graduated in 1959 and enjoyed 64 years of married life together, raising three wonderful children, participating in the lives of four grandchildren, and most recently welcoming our first great grandchild. We look back on our four years at Bucknell with the fondest of memories.
Fabia (Harris) Mahoney '69 & John Mahoney '69
My husband, John Mahoney, and I are both Class of 1969. We met when I was editor in chief of The Bucknellian and he was leading the anti-war movement on campus. We were married in Rooke Chapel by Chaplain Buckey on Dec. 21,1968, and recently celebrated our 55th anniversary. We have four children, including triplets, and seven grandchildren with our eighth on the way. We are looking forward to our 55th reunion in June.
Maddy (Liss) McGarrah '14 & Michael McGarrah '14
Our Bucknell love story started in a non-traditional way. Despite both graduating in 2014, our paths never crossed during our four years at Bucknell. It wasn't until a "’ray Bucknell!" message via a dating app in 2018 that we first met. In the years following, we've made several trips to Lewisburg to finally experience Bucknell together. We made it official when we tied the knot on June 24, 2023 in Philadelphia surrounded by many beloved Bucknellians!
Andrea (Dellarco) Jacobs '78 & Jeffrey Jacobs '78
I met my first husband, Jeffrey Jacobs, during our first year at Bucknell. We got married in 1981 and were happily married for 25 years until his passing in 2006. We have two sons born in 1984 and 1986 and four grandchildren.
Michael Pellini '86 & Jane Molinari '86
Despite living across the hall from one other our senior year, my wife (Jane Molinari) and I never dated at Bucknell. In fact, I'm not sure we ever spoke that year except perhaps a passing cordiality in the hallway. Jane was pre-med and lived in the library; I was busy with various campus activities and honestly a bit shy when it came to women. Our lives at Bucknell simply did not align. We graduated in 1986 and went our separate ways: Jane to medical school in Connecticut and I went to law school in Philadelphia … but I always remembered Jane.
Then in 1996, I returned to Bucknell to celebrate our 10th Reunion. I knew from the attendee list that Jane also planned to be there — bonus! There were tent parties, dinners and the class parade. Most importantly, there was the class reunion photo just outside of Davis Gym where, admittedly, I strategically positioned myself next to Jane for the picture. There, for the first time in ten years, we reconnected inextricably. We married a few years later in a ceremony in Greenwich, Conn. (Jane's home town). Today we have two children, Catherine (age 22) and Elizabeth (age 18) who attend Holy Cross and Bates Colleges, respectively. We have lived in Shrewsbury, Mass. for over 20 years and recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.
Hugh Mose '71 & Janyce Reimer Mose '73 
Janyce and I met the old-fashioned way: at a fraternity mixer! She was a first-year and I was a junior; I was a Kappa Delta Rho and she was rushing Beta Theta. Janyce was the most beautiful girl who had ever shown interest in me, so being a very intelligent Bucknell man, I immediately asked her out for the following weekend. One thing led to another, and we continued dating until I graduated 15 months later. Janyce stayed at Bucknell one additional semester, then transferred to West Virginia Wesleyan College to be closer to where I worked. We wed following her junior year and we have been happily married for almost 52 years. BTW, we now live within an hour of Lewisburg, so we get back to Bucknell pretty regularly, and every time we do those "memories fond come trooping by."
Chelsea (Reynolds) Strunk '19 & Garrett Strunk '19
Garrett and I met during our first year as we both lived on 4SW in Vedder Hall. We clicked instantly, first as friends, then dated pretty much throughout our time at Bucknell. We lived apart for a year as we got jobs in different states, although we always knew we would spend our entire lives together. We’ve lived in the Philadelphia area since 2021, have a fur baby named Suki and were married on June 3, 2023 in Lititz, Pa. with many Bucknellians in our wedding party and in attendance.
Ashley (Glasgow) McNaughton '07 & Chris McNaughton '07 
We met in the fall of our first year after our roommates introduced us. We quickly became friends and ended up having lunch often in the caf together as our class schedules aligned. We officially started dating in March of that year and got married surrounded by the men's basketball team and lots of Kappas just after graduating. We will celebrate our 20th year 'dating' anniversary this March! We are so thankful that our journeys to Bucknell led us together.

Marilyn Olson Parks '68, P'94 & Bob Parks '66, M'73, P'94
Marilyn and Bob met in the spring of 1965 when she was looking for a friend in his fraternity house. She was a first year and Bob was a junior. When the friend didn’t show, Bob asked her out that evening and the rest is history. They married after Marilyn graduated and Bob finished his military service, including a year in Vietnam. They have been married over 55 years and sent one of their two children to Bucknell.  They’ve loved their Bucknell connection, with Marilyn being the first female president of the Bucknell University Alumni Association and serving on the Board of Trustees. They now live on the Chesapeake Bay, Md., and one of their many interests is traveling, having been to over 115 countries and every state. ‘ray Bucknell!
Kristina Kalkanis Podniesinski '12 & Jonathan Podniesinski '12 
My husband Jonathan and I are class of 2012 graduates. We met at Bucknell during our first year but didn’t date until three years after we graduated, running into each other at a bar in NYC. We just welcomed a baby girl, Sophia, in 2023!

Michaela (Bracken) Freytag '22 & Alec Freytag '22
We met during the 2019 fall semester at the E&I Affinity House on St. George Street. Both of our friend groups were living there for the semester and we crossed paths on the basketball court out back one evening. The Campus Theatre was our first official "date" and together, we explored all that Lewisburg had to offer over the next three years. We graduated in 2022 and were engaged during the fall of that same year, then got married the following summer. Our wedding was full of Bucknell alumni and we danced the night away! ‘ray! 

Wendy (Foster) Elliott '94 & Phil Elliott '94
Bucknell relationships, friendships and alumni all rolled into one! Phil and I recently moved to Kaneohe, Hawaii. We met up with my best Bucknell friend and Smith Hall neighbor, Ohie Charoenkul ‘94, his wife Steph Su ‘94, their two kids and two of our three kids for New Year’s.
Laura Richards Dust '99 & Brandon Dust '01

Brandon and I met while he was working at 7th Street Cafe. We had mutual friends so we hung out often but didn’t start dating until my senior year (his sophomore year). We continued dating after I graduated and were married in 2004. We now have a child who is currently applying to Bucknell. ‘ray!
Carlen Blackstone '79 
Though I didn't marry another Bucknellian (as so many have) and have remained single my entire adult life, one of my best friends today was my college roommate senior year at Bucknell. A small group of sorority sisters and I have met via Zoom once per month since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020.  Most of all, I fell in love with math and computer science at Bucknell as well as receiving a secondary teaching certificate. That background gave me a job as a programmer for PP&L for two years immediately after graduation, an MS Degree in Computer Science from Villanova University in 1985 and a teaching position at Emmaus High School in Emmaus, Pa. for 35 years. At Emmaus, I developed an internationally known program through the American Computer Science League and have encouraged students for years, including where I still substitute teach today, to take as many computer science classes as they can before graduating from high school.  Bucknell instilled in me a love for learning, a passion for math and an avenue to a career that has been deeply fulfilling and worthwhile.

Amanda Chikowski '15 & Tyler Bogaczyk '15 

Although we were both on the men’s and women’s rowing teams since our first year, we didn’t officially meet until I came back from studying abroad junior fall. We started dating senior year and have been together ever since! After graduation, our relationship survived multiple long distance periods as Tyler pursued his master’s degree and went to medical school while I was traveling for work. On Memorial Day weekend last year, Tyler proposed on the Bucknell quad at sunset. We will be getting married this September and hope to have several Bucknellians in attendance.
Joe Fama '71 
This is not a story per se, as it is a comment on the strength of young love at Bucknell in the late 1960s. There were five couples in the class of 1971 who were married our senior year. All of us, including my wife and I, are together today. Several of the couples met in high school, one met in grade school and two met on campus.

When I connect with them, every couple has a different story about careers, raising children and growing older together. But the constant is the fun and wonder of being a senior at Bucknell, getting ready to go out into the world, but with someone you love by your side as you graduate.

Danielle (Selzer) Edwards '16 & Danielle (Agostini) Gorospe '16 

Kappa Alpha Theta's valued quote, “Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is Love” has stuck with ‘the Danielles’ ever since they met at Bucknell University in 2012. Danielle (Selzer) Edwards ‘16 and Danielle (Agostini) Gorospe ‘16 met during New Student Orientation in 2012 and have been inseparable ever since. They both joined Kappa Alpha Theta in 2013. They both found their husbands at Bucknell, Cameron Edwards ‘16 and King Gorospe ‘15. The Danielles stayed on the same life trajectories and have been there for each other every step of the way — engagements in 2019, weddings in 2021 and we’re both pregnant at the same time, only 3 weeks apart! We are so thankful that Bucknell brought us this amazing friendship and our marriages, and we can’t wait to introduce our children to this amazing place in the future!
Sarah Lombel '19 & Frank Satriale '19 

We first met in organic chemistry lab our first year but became friends during our genetics class fall of sophomore year. We stayed in touch and eventually started dating during the summer in between our junior and senior years when we both did research in adjacent fruit fly labs. We recently got married this past September surrounded by some of the best Bucknell people 💙🧡

Linda (Lawrence) Nuttall '69 & Cliff Nuttall '70, M'74 

Cliff and I met in an English class taught by Lou Casimir. We would sit at the Bison to discuss the readings, and that’s when our Bucknell in Love story began. His hand knit sweaters made by his grandmother, his convertible Austin Healy Sprite, the GREAT parties at Lambda Chi Alpha and mostly our chemistry all contributed to our dating and to our 55-year marriage. We stayed in the Lewisburg area until 2001 when we retired as secondary teachers and moved to southwest Florida. Go Bison!
Derrick Palmer’14 & Taylor (Pavetti) Palmer’14

Derrick and I met during our first year at Bucknell on the dance floor but didn’t start dating until two years after we graduated when we moved from our hometowns to be together in Atlanta, Georgia. We married in May of 2023 and owe it all to Bucknell!

Mary Vasselli Revenis '74 & Anthony Revenis '74
I met my husband Anthony during Jan Plan our first year. I was visiting a high school classmate one evening, Jackie Stubba '74, who also lived in Roberts Hall. Sue Light '74 came by (with Anthony in tow) to help pick up pizzas for a party. We all went along, and during the drive it somehow came up that Anthony and I were born on the same day! I met someone else at that party but Anthony was persistent. We started dating a year later, and eight years after our meeting, we got married in Rooke Chapel and had our reception at Hunt Hall. Happily ever after!
Sarah Dubow '13 & Nick Stetz '13
It didn't take long for us to find each other at Bucknell as the Bucknell housing matchmakers placed us in the same first year hall - McDonnell 3SW! After months of denying our connection, we shared our first kiss on Halloween of our first year, another on the quad at sunset and started dating shortly thereafter. Our relationship took us to Bucknell en France, together to New York after graduation and then out to Los Angeles where we got engaged. We were married this past summer after 13 years together with multiple generations of Bucknellians dancing the night away with us. We now have an adorable one year old puppy, Maya. We're so grateful for Bucknell bringing us together. (Just be careful who you kiss on the quad at sunset.)
Dominic Hoffman '16 & Kirsten Fitch '16
Kirsten and I met during our first year in 2012. I was a member of the men’s basketball team and she was a member of the women’s rowing team, so we instantly bonded over being student athletes. We kept running into each other on campus (either by luck or by design) but it wasn’t until our junior year that we began dating. After graduating, Kirsten moved to the Philadelphia area for work and my job took me to a number of different places, none of which were close to Philadelphia. I even had a stint working at Bucknell for the men’s basketball team. This allowed Kirsten to visit and hit all of our favorite places on campus like sitting out on the quad or on that one specific bench outside of Hunt Hall. A career change in 2021 took me to Philadelphia and the first time Kirsten and I lived in the same place since Lewisburg. In April 2022, I mustered up the courage to ask Kirsten to marry me to which she responded with a resounding “Yes!” After almost nine years together, we will be married in August of this year. We will always have a special place in our hearts for Bucknell and all that it has provided us with!
John Madison '81 & Karen (Seymour-Jones) Madison '80
We met and married thanks to a number one room pick at Bucknell. John Madison '81, a chemical engineer, ended up with the number one room pick his junior year. This secured a nice room in Swartz for John and his roommate, John Erickson '81, on a hall where primarily seniors lived. Sue Alexander Pansius '80 was a great upperclass hall RA, always scheduling lots of fun activities. John and I became great friends during the year. As a senior liberal arts major I don't think I would have ever met John without living on the same hall. Shortly before graduation we started dating and got married three years later. We still remember going to a 10th year Bucknell reunion and a hallmate ran up to us and exclaimed "You guys got married!". We will celebrate our 40th anniversary this year, all thanks to a number one room pick. 
Meredith (Korengold) Bernstein '14 and Scott Bernstein '14
Meredith and Scott met on their very first night of orientation in August 2010. Although they both distinctly remember meeting in Meredith's room in Vedder 4SW, they didn't reconnect until November of their senior year in 2013. They were both preoccupied living their best lives on campus (Scott, a management major, a member of the men's tennis Team and SigEp fraternity; Meredith, an IR and spanish double major and a member of ADPi sorority), and off-campus (Scott participated in Boston University's study abroad program in London during fall semester 2012, Meredith studied in Granada through Bucknell en Espana during spring semester 2013). When they reconnected at a party on St. Catherine's Street in November 2013, it all felt so familiar. They both recounted the memories of their meeting and have been together ever since. After their graduation on May 14, 2014, they moved to New York City to pursue careers in finance and tech. They got married exactly eight years later, on May 14, 2022, in Chevy Chase, Md. The Bernsteins still reside in New York City and are so appreciative of Bucknell for helping them find each other! 'ray Bucknell!
John Regan '12 & Yanjka (Jugdersuren) Regan '14
On a causal Saturday afternoon, one of John’s friends mentioned that he was attending a birthday party later that night. Without any idea of what fate had in store, John quickly agreed to join the party without an invitation.
It happened to be Yanjka's birthday party at a friend's Gateway. John and Yanjka shared a moment that night. John mentioned that he was the captain of the wrestling team, and it turns out that, in Yanjka’s native country, Mongolia, wrestling is a highly regarded sport. It’s part of a centuries-old tradition on Naadam, the annual festival that celebrates the birth of Mongolia. She explained that the sport ran deep in her family’s lifeblood – that both her grandfather and brother had wrestled as well. Soon after, they went on their first date at the Smiling Chameleon downtown.
As John approached the end of his college career, he began applying for work in New York City. Yanjka still had two years to finish and would soon begin traveling the globe through the University’s study abroad program, so they would be “geographically challenged.” Over the next few years, while in NYC, John would regularly receive texts from the wrestlers still on campus letting him know they had spotted “Regan’s girl.”
Two years later, as her college years were coming to an end, Yanjka began a job search that would eventually relocate her to NYC. Living much closer to one another now, that initial flame propelled them to a new place. After living together for a few months and taking in NYC to the fullest (with the occasional five a.m. night outs), the two realized that their lives were much better together. On Dec. 9, 2015, John proposed to Yanjka by the Madison Square Park Christmas tree where they shared their first kiss in NYC. 

On Aug.11, 2018, they tied the knot in New Jersey surrounded by family and friends whom they met in NYC and at Bucknell. The following year in 2019, they also got married in Mongolia surrounded by Yanjka's extended family (wearing Mongolian costumes, as shown in the picture). On Nov. 9 last fall, they welcomed their first bundle of joy, a baby girl, Arya Regan. All thanks to Bucknell, it has been a dream for John and Yanjka to be able to grow together, while building careers and friendships in NYC.
Sarah Bunker '12 & Steve Willow '13
Sarah and Steve had similar friend groups at Bucknell but didn't actually meet until Homecoming 2013, and the rest is history! They’ve lived together in the DC area for seven years and have a fur baby named Lucas. Steve proposed to Sarah in April 2021 on a trip to see Bucknell friends in Charleston, S.C. They got married in a different L’burg (Leesburg, Virginia) on July 30, 2022 with four Bucknellians in the wedding party, one as an honorary officiant and many more in attendance. They'll be celebrating 10 years together this October!
Jin On '12 & Yann Wester '12
We first met at a Draft a Date Chi Phi Party and rekindled at a fellow Bucknell wedding years later. Yann and I got married in June of 2022 and are excited to celebrate this June with plenty of Bucknellians in attendance. We wouldn't be where we are today without our Bucknell connection.
Maralyn (Murphy) Ortlieb '54 & Joe Ortlieb '52
This tribute to Bucknell in Love comes to us from the granddaughter of Maralyn (Murphy) Ortlieb ‘54  and Joe Ortlieb '52, who many believe was the first Bucky the Bison. Kate ‘19 grew up hearing her grandparents' age-old love story of fate, instant connection and the rest being history. The love of Bucknell definitely runs in their family; two of their five children are Bucknellians, as is granddaughter Kate. Until their passing they both stayed involved with Bucknell and their community.
Dana DelGaldo '09
This is the love story of 13 friends who met at Bucknell, fell in love with each other, and have continued to love one another through all of life’s ups and downs. We all met separately during our first year and came together as one group in the Mods (Mod14 to be exact). I can’t imagine life without them and I’m thankful everyday that Bucknell brought us all together.
Todd Warmington '03 and Katie (Jordan) Warmington '04
Todd and Katie met under the most unpredictable circumstances: star football captain and angry, disgruntled cheerleader. Although Katie was more interested in skinny musicians, her roommate and fellow cheerleader, Rachel, often invited her to football parties. When Katie’s roommate turned down Todd’s invitation to the FIJI formal, she found him attractive and decided to give it a shot. Her first attempts to flirt weren’t always successful but he eventually gave in, and love prevailed. They now are married with two beautiful boys, who hopefully learned how to seize the opportunity when it comes around.
Carol (Noel) Michaels '02 and Tom Michaels '02
Although Tom and I lived near one another for our first two years at Bucknell, we didn’t cross paths.We were aware of each other but never “officially” met until a friend introduced us at a party during our junior year, and we started chatting long hours on AOL Instant Messenger (LOL) and then dating shortly after. I knew he was the one for me! We stayed together through separate graduate school programs in North Carolina and post grad internships in DC. We married in 2005 and now have two wonderful daughters whom we took to visit campus for the first time in 2022. We enjoy keeping in touch with alumni friends (many who are also Bucknell couples) as much as we can. It’s a special bond to share the Bucknell experience.
If Bucknell is forever a part of your love story, we'd love to hear and share all the details! Send us a photo and description of your story (when, where, how you met and present life highlights), and we'll feature it here and on Instagram @Bucknellalumni. Submit your story via email to alumniandfamilies@bucknell.edu or complete the Bucknell in Love form.