Kenyon Class of 1977 Fall Class Letter

Dear Seventy-Sevens,

Seems incomprehensible that the 45th reunion happened nearly six months ago. Word is the Saturday bash at Joe Dreher’s farm was the weekend highlight and about as chill of a scene as it gets. Kudos to Jayne Danska and Joe for the great spread and venue. Same to Anthony Woeltz and Peter Bresnan for the sound system and epic entertainment.

There is a lot to share now the chill’s in the air. Right after this run down you will find some lengthy notes that’ll be edited down for the magazine. So, here’s the news from the Hill.

The Kenyon Access Initiative got its start this semester with the first 12 of a planned 50 students a year enrolling into the Gambier experience through this key scholarship for low-income students. This additional diversity in backgrounds and lived experiences will further enrich daily life on campus.

While Chalmers Library in the West Quad has quickly become a hub, the apparition of its 261-space underground garage is already helping to ease congestion (!) in the Village. Just in time, since Peirce Express is opening soon as a “downtown” dining option with a student-run bar, Flats, appended.

In other news, celebrating the Music Department’s first 75 years, the Alumni Council updated the Kenyon songbook. It will be online and distributed at Reunion Weekend during the all-class sing. If you haven’t saved the date yet, remember that all alumni are welcome Reunion Weekend, May 26-28.

Of course, this couldn’t be a missive without a mission. When thinking about giving to the Kenyon Fund, remember donations can be directed toward many initiatives, scholarships, conservation centers, even athletics and more. Please consider making Kenyon and its students a philanthropic priority this year by giving online  at

Oh, one last thing. I encourage folks who haven’t updated with us recently to consider submitting a quick life update for the next batch of notes in the spring.

Until next time!
Jim Desrosier

Reunited and it feels so Kenyon

Reunion Weekend 2023 
will take place in Gambier May 26 - 28

Along with special programming for the 50th Reunion class on May 25, we’ll be celebrating milestone reunions for classes that end with 3 and 8, as well as K80s, Peeps and Chamber Singers. 

All alumni are invited to return to the Hill for Reunion Weekend, especially those celebrating a reunion beyond their 50th. Registration details will be emailed in early 2023. If you think we may not have your most current info, please share your up-to-date email and phone number with us at (We can’t invite you if we can’t reach you!)

We are so excited to reunite with you! See you soon.

Save the date for Reunion Weekend

Upcoming Events for Alumni

Save the date for these upcoming events for alumni taking place online and on the Hill.
  • The Center for American Democracy's Midterm Elections Panel
    Hear from alumni experts at this free, virtual event Tuesday, Jan. 10 from 7-8 p.m. ET.

  • Spring Giving Challenge
    Our annual 36-hour online giving challenge will take place Wednesday, April 26 – Thursday, April 27.

  • Reunion Weekend
    All alumni are invited to join us on the Hill May 26-28.
Visit to register and view our full alumni event calendar.

Class Agents

Class agents are your connection to campus. To learn more about becoming one, contact Director of Leadership Annual Giving Tracey Wilson via email.

• Linda Isako Angst
• John Bogasky
• Karen D'Arcy Couzens
• Jim Desrosier
• Pat Edwards
• Amy Wylie Gardner
• Jim Gardner
• Denese Fink Giordano
• Marna Herrity
• Jerry Mindes

Class of 1977 Fall Notes

Steven Lebow: Rabbi Steven Lebow’s Atlanta congregation celebrated his retirement and 40 years of service in the rabbinate. Rabbi Lebow is now “semi-retired” and still serves a number of Jewish congregations in north Georgia.

Joseph Dreher: I was honored and delighted to host our ‘77 class reunion at Dreher’s Grey Horse Farm and wish to overwhelmingly thank every classmate for attending, but most especially Jayne Danska who coordinated the entire effort, and as especially Anthony Woltz and Peter Bresnan for their awesome communal music performance which drew everyone even closer (together). Jayne was instrumental in coordinating the entire event at my farm. Thank you all!!
Janette Thomas Greenwood: I retired this spring after 31 years as a professor of history at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., and am now enjoying the usual retirement activities: playing lots of pickleball, spending time with my two grandsons, traveling with my husband, Mike Rubin, and generally just enjoying life in Rhode Island. A shout out to the 1976-77 women's basketball team and our perfect record. (Just all in the loss column! But we had a lot of fun.)

Joe Gioia: Wow where to start?  Living in Livingston, MT for the last five years, writing stuff and, more recently, taking photographs that you can see on Instagram @thevisiblerepublic; also playing guitar mainly to records - well, mp3s - at home. I have been working with Arthur Marx ’75 and Kevin Martin ’75 producing articles for Magellantv, a documentary streaming service launched some years ago by Tom Lucas '75. You can read what we do under the 'articles' tab at the Magellantv website.  In other news I used to see our own John Giarrizzo down in Cody, WY, before he recently decamped to Woodstock, NY - certainly a step-up culture-wise. Happily, Gary Snyder ’79 moved to Bozeman, MT a few years back, and it’s been great watching (and occasionally helping) him promote a new field of western art with the work of abstract painter Ben Miller. All in all, Livingston is a lively little town only now coming back up-to-speed after the worst of the pandemic, and I would be pleased to see any of you who care to stop by.

Peter Gray: Nothing new now---take care!

John Bogasky: My wife Shelly and I went "Over The Edge" on September 17th, rappelling down a 12-story building to raise money for our local Special Olympics program. We raised over $15,000, thanks in part to donations from many classmates. 
Jerry Mindes: Jerry stays busy globally as an advocate for inclusive education and inclusive development assistance, and locally by encouraging neighbors to lower their carbon footprint by composing food waste.

Mike Schmidtmann: I was Emcee and Head of Speaker Curation at a TEDx Conference in Northern Virginia this September. We had speakers from all over the USA travel here to give short talks on science, community, and human potential. Watch for the videos in a couple months on the TED website!
Read notes from the Class of 1978 and the Class of 1976
Support Kenyon
If you missed the chance to share your news for this letter, you can submit a class note online.

Class Listing

Kenyon is grateful to the following donors for their generous support of the College, including the Kenyon Fund, during the 2021-22 fiscal year. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor is a member of the Henry J. Abraham Society for loyal and consecutive giving. An obelisk (†) indicates an individual who is deceased.

Annual Fund Total: $291,820  
Class Participation: 47.30%

Presidents Society

Donors of $50,000 or more
Matthew A. Winkler P'13 H'00*

Kokosing Society
Donors of $25,000 to $49,999
Kathryn H. Flynn*
Nina P. Freedman H'92*
Timothy M. O'Neill*

Philander Chase Society
Donors of $10,000 to $24,999
Rebecca A. Byam*
Patricia H. Grodd*

Bexley Society
Donors of $2,500 to $9,999
Laurence G. Bousquet*
Diane K. Braunstein*
Katherine B. DeCoster*
Denese Fink Giordano P'05*
Trice Koopman P'11*
Jacqueline McEwen-Griffith*
John B. Parsons Jr. 
Jeffrey C. Salt*
Constance K. Varnhagen*
Stanley Varnhagen*
Anthony M. Woeltz*

Kenyon Society
Donors of $1,000 to $2,499
Steven J. Agoston OD DVM 
Madia R. Barber 
Timothy G. Barber 
John J. Bogasky P'10*
Patrick J. Edwards*
Amy Wylie Gardner*
James E. Gardner*
Karen Handel Walker*
Nancy Holt Weber MD 
Bradley T. Hughes*
Jennifer C. Kinder*
Rachel S. Kull*
John R. Layton*
Lee M. Markowitz*
Patricia Mauro Warrick*
Carol B. Mitchell 
Mark A. Teitelbaum*
David B. Weber 
Dennis P. Wipper*

Kenyon Society
Donors of $1 to $999
Terry D. Abeles*
Karen H. Abrams*
Susan Allen Ford*
Jonathan A. Baxter*
Sarah M. Beale 
Mrs. Rosemary P. Begley*
David J. Blank DDS, MD 
Mieke H. Bomann*
Mara H. Brazer P'21*
Peter H. Bresnan 
Matthew J. Burday*
Steele R. Chadwell*
Anne M. Connell*
Donald M. Constantino 
Karen D'Arcy Couzens*
Jayne S. Danska P'22 
James N. Desrosier*
David L. Dink*
Beshara B. Doumani 
Peter R. Eisenbrown 
Todd H. Faus*
Jeffrey V. Fisher*
Floyd M. Fishleigh*
Susan W. Foulds 
Joseph G. Galagaza 
Peter L. Gray 
John R. Gregg Jr.*
Karen Grunawalt (widow of Karl G. Grunawalt '77) 
Marna Herrity 
Karen Holland Chadwell*
Mark C. Holub 
Mark B. Jacoby 
David W. Jamieson*
Mary Lou Jansen-Fusi 
Mera Jetton Kohler*
Connie Kleinjans*
Kristin Knopf*
Steven J. Lebow*
Alan R. Lewine 
Randolph J. Lipchik MD*
Kate Long 
Lindsay M. Lowdon*
Keith A. MacFie*
Brian T. Marshall 
Michael R. Matteson*
Brian D. McDonald AIA 
James R. McDonald*
Scott G. McGinnis*
Shari B. Miller Sims*
Marc F. Millon*
Jerome Mindes*
David L. Morris MD*
David W. Munves*
Stacy K. Offner P'98*
Janice Olsen McCoy*
Judy R. Parnes*
Marc L. Parnes MD*
William C. Portman III*
Christopher J. Rie 
Lisa Riker Stuckey*
Evan R. Roberts*
Paul W. Rutter*
Susan Z. Sacks 
Mallory Samson 
Susan L. Schermerhorn*
Matthew Shanahan 
Edwin S. Sheffield Jr.*
John S. Simmons 
Linda Sofman Bullock*
Mary A. Speiser*
Michael J. Spetrino P'15*
Julia Stern D'Alessandro*
Paula A. Stoeke*
Thomas Stoicos 
Janette Thomas Greenwood H'11*
Michele M. Thomas*
Thomas R. von Schrader*
William T. Wadsworth*
Martin J. Wagner 
Charles P. Waite Jr. P'06 '10 
Sandra M. Wendler P'04*
John B. White P'10 '13*
John A. Whittier-Ferguson*
Susan Woog Wagner*
John B. Yellott 
Roger H. Young*

George Wharton Marriott Society
These alumni have included Kenyon in their estate plans or have made other planned gifts.

Laurence G. Bousquet '77
Cheryl L. Carlisle '77
David L. Dink '77
Peter L. Gray '77
Ellen W. Griggs '77
John A. Hellman '77†
Nancy Holt Weber '77
John R. Layton '77
Jacqueline McEwen-Griffith '77 and David E. Griffith '76
Philip D. Pierce '77
Evan R. Roberts '77
Mallory Samson '77
Constance K. Varnhagen '77
Patricia Mauro Warrick '77
David B. Weber '77
Anthony M. Woeltz '77
Roger H. Young '77
Kenyon College
105 Chase Avenue, Gambier, OH 43022