Kenyon Class of 1964 Fall Class Letter

Dear classmates,

We know you look forward to this letter to learn about what’s going on in our classmates’ lives; we’re also excited to share some of this year’s news from the Hill:

This semester, 12 members of the Class of 2026 were able to enroll as the direct result of donor support for the Kenyon Access Initiative (KAI), a vital scholarship effort to increase access for low-income students. We’re only just getting started and aim to enroll 50 students each year through KAI, in addition to other robust financial aid. This additional diversity in backgrounds and lived experiences will further enrich daily life on campus.

Chalmers Library in the West Quad has quickly become a hub for connections day and night. Its neighbor Lowell House, home to admissions and financial aid and named for Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert T.S. Lowell IV ’40, is also now open. Oden Hall, future home to social sciences and named for former president Robert Oden, will open for instruction next year. The 261-space underground parking garage for visitors and employees is already helping to ease congestion in the Village without disrupting the beauty of Gambier we all remember so fondly.

This year students will also soon have access to a dining option in “downtown” Gambier, when Peirce Express opens in a space under the Gambier Deli. This space will also be home some evenings to a student-run bar known as Flats, helping to provide a village nightlife option. Look for more about both of these in an upcoming issue of Kenyon News Digest.

In other news, the Music Department is celebrating its 75th year. Alumni Council is developing an updated version of the Kenyon songbook (Kenyon has a songbook!) which will be viewable online soon and distributed at the 2023 Reunion Weekend during the all-class sing. If you haven’t saved the date yet for Reunion Weekend, remember that all alumni are welcome to attend May 26-28. (Especially those of us who have already celebrated our 50th Reunion!)

I hope the foregoing has kindled fond memories of our time at Kenyon. I invite you to turn that nostalgia into action with a gift that will help make all this possible. Gifts to the Kenyon Fund can be directed toward enrolling the next high-achieving group of students through the Kenyon Access Initiative, broader scholarships and financial aid efforts, athletics, one of the College’s many green centers and more. Please consider making your alma mater and today’s Kenyon students a philanthropic priority this year by giving online at Options for directing your gift are available online, on the gift card included with your mailed letter or you can simply write in your desired area of interest.

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing the news from the College this fall. I have certainly enjoyed (as always) hearing from those of you who submitted class notes for this letter (see below). I encourage those who have not provided an update recently to consider submitting one for the next batch of class notes to be published in the spring.

Thank you!
Mike Reed

Reunited and it feels so Kenyon

Reunion Weekend 2023 
will take place in Gambier May 26 - 28

Along with special programming for the 50th Reunion class on May 25, we’ll be celebrating milestone reunions for classes that end with 3 and 8, as well as K80s, Peeps and Chamber Singers. 

All alumni are invited to return to the Hill for Reunion Weekend, especially those celebrating a reunion beyond their 50th. Registration details will be emailed in early 2023. If you think we may not have your most current info, please share your up-to-date email and phone number with us at (We can’t invite you if we can’t reach you!)

We are so excited to reunite with you! See you soon.

Save the date for Reunion Weekend

Upcoming Events for Alumni

Save the date for these upcoming events for alumni taking place online and on the Hill.
  • The Center for American Democracy's Midterm Elections Panel
    Hear from alumni experts at this free, virtual event Tuesday, Jan. 10 from 7-8 p.m. ET.

  • Spring Giving Challenge
    Our annual 36-hour online giving challenge will take place Wednesday, April 26 – Thursday, April 27.

  • Reunion Weekend
    All alumni are invited to join us on the Hill May 26-28.
Visit to register and view our full alumni event calendar.

Class Agents

Class agents are your connection to campus. To learn more about becoming one, contact  Annual Giving Operations Coordinator Terry Dunnavant via email

• Tom Bond
• Mike Reed
• David Schmid

Class of 1964 Fall Notes

Jeff Breaks: I appreciated the Bexley Hall article in the Fall Kenyon Magazine - it brought back memories. In September of 1960, I, and about a dozen others, was housed on the 3rd floor of Bexley as an overflow dorm. We enjoyed ourselves there. We had maids that made our beds and tidied up (the last year for that!) and there were plenty of study rooms on the floors below. The walk down Middle Path, even in the snow, was not bad at all! There were bats in the attic and the ledges outside the windows provided a convenient way to get from room to room if you didn't want to use the hall. I took physics at Kenyon (before chips) and that provided me with working for 41 years in the aerospace and defense industries. I retired 17 years ago and began volunteering at the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Virginia going through old documents and doing other people's taxes for free with the AARP TaxAide Program. I have also done 4 books on family ancestors and have 3 more to go. So, life is good even after Kenyon!! 

George Callaghan and his wife, Carolyn, moved from Annapolis, Maryland to Bozeman, Montana to be closer to their 2 sons and 3 grandkids. Patrick sells real estate in Bozeman and Michael is a movie producer in L.A. George is 80 but still plays tennis 4 times a week indoors and is finishing his fourth novel in his spare time.

David Newcomb: In appreciation of Michael Wood, (deceased) for Mike’s character and skill as a quarterback, I felt I should share a perspective that, likely, no else has.

In our freshman year, 1960, Mike and I competed for the job of Kenyon’s backup quarterback. Though our skills were closely matched, Mike won the competition, leaving me to wonder why. As it happened, we were also good friends, and it was while visiting his home in Lancaster, Ohio, that I found the answer to my question. 

On that day, in Lancaster, Mike was driving me around town to show me the sights. As we passed along Main Street, alongside a row of parked cars, I could not but notice – since I was sitting in the rider’s seat – that Mike was driving very closely to those parked cars. In fact, he was passing them so closely that I became concerned he would hit one. I brought this to his attention. Mike told me to relax; that he was doing this on purpose. Then he drove even closer, until I could no longer see clearance between our car and the parked cars. I looked over, but Mike appeared totally at ease. Reflexively, I drew my elbow and knee away from the passenger’s side door. When I told Mike he had no idea how close he was to colliding, he answered that he knew exactly how close he was, and, to prove his point, he then circled the block and did it again. 

I understood, then, how Mike had won the job as Kenyon’s eventual quarterback. The man had uncanny depth perception, steely nerves, and a very steady hand at the wheel. He went on to enjoy a fine career in football, and, later, in business.

Mike Reed reports that he has left the practice of law after a 52-year career and is attempting to follow John Capron’s admonition to not fail at retirement. Mike resides in the Lincoln Park neighborhood close to the DePaul University campus. He participates in several Chicago charitable organizations and currently serves as board chair of a 200 bed hospital foundation.

Lloyd Saltus: In going through family records, I discovered that I am related to Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Class of 1842. His great-great-grandfather was Timothy Phelps (born about 1705) from whom I am directly descended.
Read notes from the Class of 1965 and the Class of 1963
Support Kenyon
If you missed the chance to share your news for this letter, you can submit a class note online.

Class Listing

Kenyon is grateful to the following donors for their generous support of the College, including the Kenyon Fund, during the 2021-22 fiscal year. An asterisk (*) indicates a donor is a member of the Henry J. Abraham Society for loyal and consecutive giving. An obelisk (†) indicates an individual who is deceased.

Annual Fund Total: $70,640  
Class Participation: 56.20%

Presidents Society

Donors of $50,000 or more
Martin McKerrow*

Kokosing Society
Donors of $25,000 to $49,999
Donald B. Hebb Jr.*
Charles S. Verdery† 

Philander Chase Society
Donors of $10,000 to $24,999
Perry C. Lentz P'88 GP'20 H'09*
Michael E. Reed*

Bexley Society
Donors of $2,500 to $9,999
Robert E. Almirall*
William V. Coombs*
David Diao*

Kenyon Society
Donors of $1,000 to $2,499
Thomas C. Bond MD P'95*
Lt Col Alan M. Bourne USAF, Ret.*
David S. Gullion MD*
Frank W. Munger Jr.*
Michael C. Phillips*
Henry S. Pool*
David A. Schmid DDS*
John Waterston*
John H. Zouck*

Kenyon Society
Donors of $1 to $999
Elizabeth Atkinson (widow of James W. Atkinson)*
Kipp Barksdale*
Jeffrey C. Breaks*
William F. Brooks Jr.*
D. Douglas Brown*
Warren B. Buhler 
John J. Camper*
William C. Cross III*
Thomas N. Finger*
Stephen B. Goldenberg*
Philip J. Harter*
John B. Hattendorf H'97*
Georgia Hudak (widow of Nicholas A. Harris) 
Barry C. Jentz*
Joel D. Kellman 
Boyd P. King MD P'96*
Thomas D. LaBaugh 
William H. Lamb*
George S. McElroy, Jr. P'86 
Alexander McNamara 
John G. Meddick P'91 '94*
Henry K. Moffitt Jr. 
Walter W. Nielsen*
Frank W. Pine PhD*
Harry Schermer*
Eric A. Summerville*
Ronald E. Wasserman MD*

George Wharton Marriott Society
These alumni have included Kenyon in their estate plans or have made other planned gifts.

Thomas R. Collins '64
William V. Coombs '64
William C. Cross III '64
Dr. David S. Gullion '64
Barry C. Jentz '64
William H. Lamb '64
Charles S. Verdery '64†
Ronald E. Wasserman '64
Kenyon College
105 Chase Avenue, Gambier, OH 43022