Full-Day Structure: Morning and afternoon Snapology structured activities, plus outdoor/indoor recess and games
8:50-9:00 Drop-off window for parents not using before-care option *
9:00-10:00 Activity 1 – guided Snapology STEAM activities in large group *
10:00-10:45 Outdoor play / break – children may bring a nut-free snack for morning break *
10:45-11:45 Activity 2 – guided Snapology THEMED activities in collaborative pairs *
11:45-12:00 Cleanup *, prepare for lunch
12:00-1:00 Lunch and recess or free play
1:00-2:15 Activity 3 – Snapology THEMED activities and creative build **
2:15-2:45 Outdoor play / Break - children may bring a nut-free snack for afternoon break **
2:45-4:00 Activities 4 – A Snapology STEAM activity, games or challenges, cleanup **
* = Schedule for AM session ** = Schedule for PM session