Staff Moves Apr/May 2024

Staff Moves
Find out what's been happening on promotions, secondments, professional staff exchanges, maternity leave, graduations, moving to another role in the University or taking up an opportunity elsewhere.
Welcome: Lotus Lui Following the departure of Jarreau Zhao, Associate Finance Manager of the Law School and SCM, we welcome Lotus who has joined us from IMH. Lotus started in her role on Monday 27 May
Farewell: Aiden Bariol has left the University to work and play cricket in England (last day Thursday 28 March 2024). Aiden joined FSEA as a Graduate Analyst in February 2023, equipped with a B.Com. from the University of Sydney and notable experience as an elite cricket player with leadership and mentoring skills. He quickly demonstrated his capabilities, especially during a period of staffing shortfalls, by effectively managing the ARC Acquittal process with Tom for key customers. Aiden also successfully resolved complex research grant issues, handling challenging reporting requirements and producing reliable financial forecasts. His adeptness in analysis earned him high respect from both his Faculty Portfolio and Maths customers. We thank Aiden for his contributions year and wish him well in his future endeavour.
Welcome: Livia Wang We are delighted to have Livia as a new Associate Finance Manager in Science. Livia joins us with over 10 years of accounting experience, mostly working in accounting firms providing services such as financial reporting, income tax returns and other tax related functions, and planning activities including budgets and forecasts. Livia’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Commerce from The University of Adelaide and she is a qualified CPA.
Financial Planning Analytics & Commercial 
Welcome: Lily Wu has joined the FPAC Data, Analytics and Modelling team as a Business Analyst.
Infrastructure Medicine and Health (IMH)
Farewell Simon Jiang: Simon has moved from IMH to pursue a new opportunity in Corporate Finance. We appreciate Simon's dedication and outstanding contributions to the team and wish him all the best in his new role.
Farewell Lotus Lui: We say a very fond farewell to Lotus who has moved from IMH to pursue a new opportunity in Sydney Law School & Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Thank you, Lotus, for all your valuable contribution to IMH philanthropy and wish you all the best in your new role.
Jess Chi, Maternity Leave: Jess will be heading off at the end of the month to begin the wonderful journey of parenthood. She will surely be missed by all and we wish her all the best in this new and exciting journey.
Welcome Thi Iverach: Replacing Jess, we are thrilled to announce that Thi has joined our FBP team as Finance Manager, supporting SMS. We are excited to benefit from Thi’s wealth of knowledge across business partnering and look forward to applying her commercial optimisation experience to this landscape.