Media Highlights 

  • Science Meets Business quoted Professor Michael Biercuk from Sydney Nano, who directs the Quantum Control Lab in the School of Physics and is founding CEO of start-up Q-CTRL, on the transformational nature of quantum technology.
  • ABC TV Weekend Breakfast interviewed Associate Professor Alice Motion from the School of Chemistry on some of the latest science news.
  • Australian Financial Review published an opinion piece by Professor Thomas Maschmeyer from Sydney Nano and the School of Chemistry demonstrating the benefits that would come from governments reducing hurdles to environmental innovation in Australia.
  • The Australian Museum (and news outlets) reported the University of Sydney won five Eureka Prizes last night – more than any other institution - including Professor Robert Park taking the prize for Leadership in Innovation and Science (the fourth year in a row our University has won the prize). Other winners include Professor Ben Eggleton’s team (defence science); Professor Carol Armour (mentoring); Professor Dacheng Tao (data science); and Associate Professor Alice Motion (public understanding of science).
  • Farm Weekly (syndicated via the Farm Online network) reported a Sydney Nano team including Professor Chiara Neto and Professor Martijn de Sterke have won the inaugural Bridge Hub Water Challenge for their research turning air into water using 
  • Shirtloads of Science featured an interview about the future of foods with visiting academic from the University of Massachusetts, Professor Julian McClements, who will co-host an event with the Centre for Advanced Food Enginomics and the Sydney Nano Institute this Friday. 
  • Ausbiz interviewed Professor Salah Sukkarieh from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics about the use of robotics for agricultural purposes and commercialising his research.  
  • Columnist Elizabeth Farrelly highlighted Gelion’s zinc bromide battery invented by Professor Thomas Maschmeyer from the School of Chemistry as the latest in a few key battery-storage advances, mentioning also lithium-ion and Tesla, in a feature on renewable energy. The article was published in the Sydney Morning Herald  (syndicated in The AgeWA Today and Brisbane Times). Professor Maschmeyer was also interviewed by SBS German Radio about his innovations including waste-to-fuel technology Cat-HTR that saw him win the 2020 Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation.
  • A Nasrin, M Hassan, VG Gomes, "Nanoparticle conjugates and their use in the therapeutic applications",  Australian Provisional Patent No. 2020901760, filed 29th May 2020.

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