College of Liberal Arts, Education and Human Development
StartUP UNO Privateer Pitch continued...

StartupUNO is a pitch competition (like “Shark Tank” on TV) open to all current UNO students with an idea for a new product, service or business and is designed to provide feedback and mentorship to accepted student teams to help move their idea to the market. As part of the competition, student teams were able to meet one-on-one with the innovation team at The Beach at UNO to gain valuable feedback on their ideas and receive mentorship on how to pitch to investors. Students will receive guidance from investors and industry professionals who will serve as judges and award teams $10,000 in prizes.

The College extends its congratulations to our participating students.  Two of the four “pitches” were made by COLAEHD Students.  Philosophy senior Jahia Montana-Forbes made a pitch for her startup “Noble Being,” a luxury marketing advising firm. Planning & Urban Studies Ph.D. candidate Hoang Tao pitched his “Sisyphus” startup, a high-tech mitigation tool for emergency management planners.  Well done to both Jahia and Hoang!