AMRI Summer Program ...
On July 27 the Advanced Materials Research Institute (AMRI) completed its annual summer research program. This year’s cohort was comprised of 5 high school students from schools in the Greater New Orleans area and 7 undergraduate students from both UNO and out-of-state schools.
The program involves an 8-week experience where students work side-by-side with UNO faculty carrying out cutting-edge research. The students worked on varied research topics across the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Biology and Mechanical Engineering. In addition to the research activities, the undergraduate students also did a short 1-day internship in local companies housed in AMRI or near to campus including Obatala Sciences, TMTP Labs, TMS BioScience, Advano, and Scale Workspace. The summer experience culminated in poster presentations from each of the participants.
Launched in 2002, this program has impacted more than 170 high school students and 160 undergraduates. Support for this year’s students came from private donations, AMRI and federal research grants. The undergraduates that participated were part of AMRI’s National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU Site: Advanced Materials Research and Professional STEM Training at the University of New Orleans).