College of Business Administration
Innsbruck Innsbruck Innsbruck
UNO-Innsbruck International Summer School continued ...
More than 200 American students and some Innsbruck students participated in the summer school and were able to take a  variety of business courses and others ranging from geography to medieval literature. The students traveled to historical and natural sites such as concentration camps, WWII battlefields, glaciers and world-class museums to see art, archaeology and even an ancient mummy called Ötzi, the Iceman.

Classes were held Monday through Thursday, so students had the weekends to explore and experience Europe on their own. Instructor Jaimee Carreras said, “They take advantage of [their weekends] and go to the end of the world!” She believes the program “provides a great opportunity for our students as well as our faculty to spend some time in Europe and not only educate themselves academically but also on European traditions and business.”

Being such a large program, UNO and the University of Innsbruck work together to give the students an educational and culturally immersive experience.