College of Business Administration

Faculty Research continued ...

Dr. Elyria Kemp and co-authors published their article, “Evidence-Based Performance Indicators of Positive Inpatient Experiences," in the Journal of Healthcare Management.  The purpose of this research was to ascertain the factors that contribute to positive inpatient experiences by using empirical evidence from national databases and Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey data.
Dr. Randy Kearns will present his research on radiation injuries at the upcoming EMS World International Conference to be held in New Orleans later this month.  

Dr. Greg Price published his article, “What Can Historically Black Colleges and Universities Teach About Improving Higher Education Outcomes for Black Students?” in the Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Dr. Tarun Mukherjee and his co-author published an article in the Journal of Financial Research. This article, “The Role of Dual Holder in Mitigating Underinvestment,” can be accessed HERE.

Dr. David Manry and his co-authors will have their research published in an upcoming issue of Accounting Research Journal. The article is entitled “Financial Statement Fraud Litigation, Material Weaknesses, and Board Characteristics.”

Dr. Ian Li and his co-authors published “Tokenism in the Workplace: Does Brand Activism Benefit LGBTQ+ Employees in the Hospitality Industry?” in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.  Read about this research HERE.