College of Business Administration
COBA Faculty Member of the Year continued ...
Originally from Iran, Dr. Ghahremani lived in Buffalo, New York for several years before coming to New Orleans, where he has been for a little over four years with his wife and their two birds.

He currently teaches classes on organizational behavior, professional development and human resources, and his main focus is emotional intelligence and management/leadership skills needed in business settings. His courses are always interactive and engaging, covering negotiation and case discussions, and his teaching process is to learn together as a class rather than lecture.
His current research looks at leadership roles in businesses, servant leadership, community engagement and shareholder and community benefits.

Dr. Ghahremani said that he tries to play a servant role in his communityβ€”for his work, his students and his family. He expressed that he was humbled to receive this award and said, β€œIt was truly an honor, and it brings a sense of responsibility to continue improving for my students.”

He was nominated for this award by Dr. Dinah Payne, professor of management.