College of Business Administration

Public Speaking Contest continued ...

Annie Dykes, a sophomore majoring in accounting, won first prize in the competition and was awarded $1,000 for her impressive presentation on personally assisting the homeless in the New Orleans area. The follow-up winners included Darid Maldonado, Ashley Salazar and Philip Sherman.

The annual Richard and Darlene Stillman Speaking Competition was established by Professor Emeritus Richard J. Stillman in 1994 in loving memory of his wife. The late Dr. Richard J. Stillman received his Ph.D. from the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Dr. Stillman was a frequent speaker at civic groups in the New Orleans area. Given Dr. and Mrs. Stillman’s community-oriented background, the topic selected for the annual speaking contest was “What I Can Personally Do To Improve The Quality of Life in the New Orleans Community.” 

Associate Dean Dr. Christy Corey, DBER Director Dr. Ali Bustamante, and other UNO faculty and staff served as judges for the competition.