Yale Alumni College: Faculty

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Frederick Lamp
YACOL courses taughtThe Art of Performance in Africa
Frederick John Lamp is The Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation Curator of African Art at Yale University Art Gallery since 2004.  He also teaches in Theater Studies and African Studies at Yale, and has taught art history at Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and George Washington Universities, and the Maryland Institute College of Art. From 1981 to 2003, he was Curatorial Department Head of the Arts of Africa, the Americas & Oceania at The Baltimore Museum of Art.  He holds a Ph.D. in the History of Art from Yale University, 1982, where he studied Black Atlantic traditions with Robert Farris Thompson, and he studied movement with Irmgard Bartenief at the Laban Institute of Movement Studies, New York.  Specializing in the performance art of Sierra Leone and Guinea in West Africa, Dr. Lamp has concentrated on the Temne and Baga peoples.  He has also worked in Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, and throughout West Africa. He has conducted research and published on male and female initiation, chieftaincy ritual, ancestral ritual, masquerade, power relationships and art, sexuality and art, systems of thought, and ancient African art. His publications include Accumulating Histories: African Art from the Charles B. Benenson Collection at the Yale University Art Gallery, (2012, co-author); See the Music, Hear the Dance: Rethinking Africa at The Baltimore Museum of Art (2004, editor); Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin 2005: African Art at Yale (editor); Art of the Baga: A Drama of Cultural Reinvention (1996); and La Guinée et ses Heritages Culturels (1992), as well as numerous articles in African Arts, The Drama Review, The Dictionary of Art, International Encyclopedia of Dance, the Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, The Queer Encyclopedia of the Visual Arts, and The Art Bulletin, among many others with invited essays.
Stephen R. Latham
YACOL courses taught: Regulating Life: The Law of Bioethics from Before the Cradle to After the Grave; Philosophical Arguments in Bioethics; Telling Right from Wrong: Modern Ethical Theories; Animal Ethics; Current Issues in Bioethics

Stephen R. Latham, JD, PhD is Director of Yale's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics. His two undergraduate lecture classes in bioethics draw hundreds of Yale College students annually. A graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Law School, and the UC Berkeley doctoral program in Jurisprudence, Latham is a former healthcare business and regulatory attorney, and served as Director of Ethics Standards at the American Medical Association before entering academics full-time. He has been a graduate fellow at Harvard's Safra Center on Ethics and a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. He is a former member of Connecticut’s Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee, and of the board of the American Society for Bioethics & Humanities (“ASBH”), from which he received a distinguished service award in 2010. He does clinical ethics consultation on the Pediatric Ethics Committee at Yale's Children's Hospital. His scores of publications on bioethics and health policy have appeared in leading medical and bioethics journals, in law reviews, and in numerous university-press books.
Traugott Lawler
YACOL courses taught: The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue and Five Tales; The Poetry of Yeat; The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue and Five Tales; Ulysses; Jane Austen: Four Novels; Dickens: Three Novels; Vanity Fair and Middlemarch; Emily Dickinson: 150 Poems; Austen, Trollope, Hardy; Dante's Inferno Part 1of 2; Dante's Divine Comedy Part 2; Piers Plowman; Understanding Poetry; Six Novels by Anne Tyler; Robert Frost's Poetry
Traugott Lawler is a specialist in medieval English and Latin literature and a former Master of Ezra Stiles College. He and Peggy, his wife of 61 years, live in Hamden. After earning his doctorate from Harvard, he began teaching at Yale in 1966, left in 1972 to teach at Northwestern, and returned in 1981 as Professor of English. He retired in 2005, but has continued to teach and do research, coming to his office at Yale daily. He fell in love with English literature in high school, thanks to two charismatic teachers, and has never lost that love. During his active career, he strayed from his specialty often to teach all the major poets, and he has taken the Alumni College as an opportunity to teach Yeats, Dickenson, Joyce, Dickens, Austen, George Eliot, Trollope, Hardy, and Thackeray, the nineteenth-century novel being a special favorite of his. He has taught in the Alumni College in every semester but one since it started, and is looking forward now to teaching "Understanding Poetry" in 2019. 
Susanna Lee
YACOL courses taught: Hard-boiled Crime Fiction

Susanna Lee is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Georgetown University, where she also directs the program in Comparative Literature. Her most recent book, Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and the Decline of Moral Authority, came out in 2016 from Ohio State University Press. She is also the author of A World Abandoned By God: Narrative and Secularism, published by Bucknell University Press in 2006. She has written numerous articles on the nineteenth-century French novel, crime fiction, and law and humanities, and edited the Norton Critical Editions of Proust’s Swann’s Way and Stendhal’s The Red and the Black. Her current book project is entitled A Hard-Boiled History of the United States.
Nathaniel Lew
YACOL courses taught: Cultures and Controversies in Contemporary Broadway

Raised in Larchmont, New York, Nathaniel G. Lew attended the Pre-College Division of the Juilliard School, Yale University, the University of Cambridge, and the University of California, Berkeley. From the last institution, he earned a Ph.D. in the History and Literature of Music. Since 2002, he has taught music history, music theory, and humanities at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. In addition, after directing the college’s choral program for many years, he now directs the Honors Program. Prof. Lew’s scholarship has focused largely on twentieth-century British music. He has edited a series of unpublished works by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and is the author of Tonic to the Nation: Making English Music in the Festival of Britain (Routledge, 2016). He is also a choral conductor and the Artistic Director of the Counterpoint Vocal Ensemble, based in Montpelier, Vermont.
Emma Lieber
YACOL courses taught: The Brothers Karamazov: Love, IRL

Emma Lieber is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City and faculty in Literary Studies at Eugene Lang College, The New School. She holds a B.A. from Yale (2002) in Slavic Languages and Literatures and a PhD from Columbia in Russian literature, which she has taught at Columbia, Lang, Rutgers, and NYU. She is the author of The Writing Cure (Bloomsbury 2020) and co-editor of The Queerness of Childhood: Essays from the Other Side of the Looking Glass (Palgrave, 2022). Her popular, academic and psychoanalytic writing has appeared in The Point Magazine, LitHub, The New England Review, Massachusetts Review, European Journal of Psychoanalysis, Division/Review, and other venues. She is currently working on a book manuscript, Impossible Professions, on psychoanalysis and education. 
Charles Ludington
YACOL courses taught: The Past in a Glass: A History of the World’s Most Famous Wines

Charles Ludington received his BA in history from Yale in 1987 and his PhD in history from Columbia in 2003. In between, he played professional basketball in France and worked in a variety of wine stores. He is a visiting professor of food history at NYU. His first book was entitled The Politics of Wine in Britain: A New Cultural History (2013). He has also edited Food Fights: How History Matters to Contemporary Food Debates (2019) and The Irish in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux (2023). He is currently writing a book about Irish wine merchants and the transformation of Bordeaux into a luxury product in the period 1690 to 1855, and is the general editor of the Bloomsbury Cultural History of Wine, a six-volume study of wine history from the Ancient World to the present (2025). 
Joseph Luzzi
YACOL courses taught: Sex, Lies and the Renaissance; Mysteries of the Modern Italian Novel

Joseph Luzzi (PhD, Yale) is Professor of Comparative Literature and Faculty Member in Italian Studies at Bard College, and he taught previously at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of five books including Romantic Europe and the Ghost of Italy (Yale, 2008), winner of the MLA’s Scaglione Prize for Italian Studies; A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film (Johns Hopkins, 2014), a Finalist for “The Bridge” Book Award from the American Initiative for Italian Culture Foundation, an international competition in Italy and the United States; My Two Italies (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014), a New York Times Editors’ Choice selection; In a Dark Wood: What Dante Taught Me About Grief, Healing, and the Mysteries of Love (HarperCollins, 2015), a Vanity Fair “Must-Read” selection that has been translated into multiple languages. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, TLS, The London Times, and Chronicle of Higher Education, among others, and his awards include a Yale College Teaching Prize, Dante Society of America Essay Prize, and Wallace Fellowship at Villa I Tatti, Harvard’s Center for Italian Renaissance Studies. In 2017 he was named Cittadino Onorario/Honorary Citizen in Acri, Calabria, his Italian parents’ birthplace. Luzzi’s work has been featured in media venues including the Guardian and National Public Radio, and his next book is Botticelli’s Secret: The Lost Drawings and the Rediscovery of the Renaissance, which will be published by W. W. Norton in 2022.
James Magruder
YACOL courses taught: History into Drama; Payoffs, Payouts, and Paybacks- Money Plays; Women Scorned

James Magruder has published four books of fiction (Sugarless, Let Me See It, Love Slaves of Helen Hadley Hall, and Vamp Until Ready). His stage adaptations of works by Marivaux, Moli`ere, Gozzi, Dickens, Lesage, Labiche, Hofmannsthal, and Giraudoux have been staged across the country, and in Germany and Japan.He also wrote the books for two Broadway musicals, Triumph of Love and Head Over Heels, the blank verse mash-up of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia and the song catalog of the Go-Go's. He has taught dramatic literature at Swarthmore College, and translation/adaptation at Princeton University and the Yale School of Drama, where he received his doctorate.
Judith Malafronte
YACOL courses taught: Opera on Screen; Opera in Cinema; Shakespeare & Verdi; Shakespeare & Verdi: Three Masterpieces; Turning Literature into Opera; Variety of Loves

Judith Malafronte has an active career as a mezzo-soprano soloist in opera, oratorio, and recital. She has appeared with the San Francisco Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl, the St. Louis Symphony, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Handel and Haydn Society, and Mark Morris Dance Group. She has sung at the Tanglewood Festival, the Boston Early Music Festival, the Utrecht Early Music Festival, and the Göttingen Handel Festival. Winner of several top awards in Italy, Spain, Belgium, and the United States, including the Grand Prize at the International Vocal Competition in Hertogenbosch, Holland, Ms. Malafronte holds degrees with honors from Vassar College and Stanford University, and studied at the Eastman School of Music, in Paris and Fontainebleau with Mlle. Nadia Boulanger, and with Giulietta Simionato in Milan as a Fulbright scholar. She has recorded for major labels in a broad range of repertoire, from medieval chant to contemporary music, and her writings have appeared in Opera News, Stagebill, Islands, Early Music America Magazine, Schwann Inside, and Opus. Ms. Malafronte also teaches undergraduate music courses in Yale College.  
Ted Marmor
YACOL courses taught: The Health Care Crisis: How it Rose, and what is to be Done; America’s Misunderstood Welfare State

Theodore "Ted" Marmor, Professor Emeritus of Yale University, taught politics, management and law there from 1979 to 2009. He directed from 19982 to 2003 the Robert Wood Johnson postdoctoral program in health policy and social science. The author (co-author or editor) of thirteen books, he has published more than 2000 articles in a wide range of scholarly journals. His opinion essays have appeared in major U.S. newspapers. His most widely noted work, The Politics of Medicare, had its second edition come out in 2000. His best-known other writing include Understanding Health Care Reform (1994), Why Some People Are Healthy and Others Not? (1994) and America's Misunderstood Welfare State (1990), coauthored with Yale colleagues Jerry Mashaw and Philip Harvey. A collection of recent essays appeared in 2007 under the title of Fads, Fallacies and Foolishness in Medical Care Management and Policy, followed in 2012, with Rudolf Klein, of Politics, Health and Healthcare from Yale University Press. In 2013 Congressional Quarterly Press published Social Insurance: America's Neglected Heritage and Contested Future, written again with Yale Professor Jerry Mashaw and Yale alumnus, John Pakutka. A member of President Carter's Commission on the 1980s Agenda and a senior social policy adviser to Walter Mondale in the presidential campaign of 1984, Professor Marmor has testified before Congress on about medical care reform, social security and poverty programs. He has been an expert witness in cases involving asbestos liability, pharmaceutical pricing fraud, and constitutional challenges to the Canada Health Act. He is an fellow emeritus of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, a member of the Institute of Medicine, and since 2009, a corresponding fellow of the British Academy.
Anna Marra
YACOL courses taught: Dante's Purgatorio: Human Dispositions and the Sevens Sins; Dante's Paradiso; From Object to Subject: Women Pioneers of Italian Literature
Anna Marra teaches Italian language, literature, and cinema. She received her first Ph.D. in “Humanist Study” from the University of Roma 2 with a dissertation on Giorgio Caproni. After moving to the US, Anna earned a second Ph.D. in Italian Language and Literature at Yale University, where she worked on Medieval Italian Literature, completing a dissertation titled “Dante and Meditation.” In addition to publishing many articles about Modern and Contemporary Literature (from Aleardo Aleardi to Mario Luzi) she has published a book, Giorgio Caproni-Domenico De Robertis, Lettere 1952-1963 (Bulzoni, 2012). Her conference presentations concern the intersection of Medieval and Contemporary Literature. Her research interests include gender, social justice, meditation, storytelling, and irony in Medieval and Contemporary Italy. Her new project on Giulia Bigolina’s novel Urania explores how Early Modern women’s writings dialogue with Boccaccio’s idea of reading as female entertainment and consolation. Anna Marra is also a documentary filmmaker and a certified meditation and mindful teacher.  
Lydia Martin
YACOL courses taught: Privacy, Health, and Power in the Age of Digital Over-Consumption

Lydia Martin is a human being who lives in New York City. She majored in American Studies at Yale and has worked in tech for the last six years. Lydia has spoken at the CocoaLove iOS conference, Anita B.org's 28 Days of Tech Careers, and the People at Work Summit. Previously, as a Lecturer and Associate Fellow at Yale’s Grace Hopper College, she taught an undergraduate seminar titled Privacy, Health, and Power in the Age of Digital Over-Consumption. Lydia is passionate about the history of the internet, data privacy regulation, and digital wellness. In her free time, she also volunteers as a Yale undergraduate mentor and alumni admissions interviewer. To contact Lydia or read more about her work, visit www.lydiafmartin.com 
Susana Martinez
YACOL courses taught: Speaking Truth to Power: Contemporary Latin American Cinema through a Social Justice Lens; Exploring Central American Migration to the U.S.
Susana S. Martínez completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University in 1999. Since then she has taught in the Department of Modern Languages at DePaul University in Chicago and directs the Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Program. As an Associate Professor, she teaches Latin American and Latinx Literature and has taken students on Study Abroad programs to El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru. Her research focuses on the representation of violence and lived experiences in Central American and Mexican literature and popular culture. She is working on a book on the depiction of youth migration from Mexico and Central America in young adult literature. Her literary and peace studies research are rooted in themes of structural violence, nonviolence, and peace education. She has published articles on travel narratives, reality television, and crime novels based in Guatemala. She has contributed chapters on young adult fiction and social justice in Inhabiting La Patria: Identity, Agency, and Antojo in the Work of Julia Alvarez, Global Perspectives on Death in Children’s Literature, Espectros: Ghostly Hauntings in Contemporary Transhispanic Narratives, and Teaching Central American Literature in a Global Context.
Ryan McAnnally-Linz
YACOL courses taught: Life Worth Living

Ryan McAnnally-Linz is Associate Director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture and a Lecturer in Humanities at Yale College. His scholarly work sits at the intersection of Christian systematic theology, ethics, and cultural analysis. He co-designed the original Life Worth Living seminar in Yale College and has taught the course for four years. Together with Miroslav Volf, he is the author of Public Faith in Action: How to Think Carefully, Engage Wisely, and Vote with Integrity. He is also co-editor of Envisioning the Good Life and Humility in Moral, Psychological, and Theological Perspective (forthcoming).
Molly McClain
YACOL Courses taught: San Diego: History & Architecture, 1850-1940

Molly McClain, PhD, was born in San Diego and raised in Orange County. She is author of Ellen Browning Scripps: New Money and American Philanthropy, 1836-1932 (2017). She is a professor of history at the University of San Diego and co-editor of The Journal of San Diego History. A graduate of the University of Chicago (BA) and Yale University (MA & PhD), McClain began her career as a historian of early modern Britain. Her first book, Beaufort: A Duke and His Duchess, 1657-1715 (2001) chronicled the lives of the duke and duchess of Beaufort who survived the tumultuous and uncertain decades that followed the English civil war by creating a remarkable political partnership. Together, they worked to restore their family’s estates and political power base as well as their home, Badminton House in Gloucestershire. Her work on the duchess of Beaufort’s gardens and botanical collections led to an invitation to write “Gardens” for Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History (2016). McClain also explored the early life of Queen Mary II, best known for her royal partnership “William & Mary,” in “Love, Friendship, and Power: Queen Mary II’s Letters to Frances Apsley,” The Journal of British Studies 47, no. 3 (July 2008): 505-27. In 2009, this article received an honorable mention at the Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies. In 2005, McClain began co-editing The Journal of San Diego History for the San Diego History Center. A ninth-generation San Diegan, she felt strongly about the need to encourage writers to explore the region’s fascinating, and understudied, past. She began writing articles on San Diego history, many of which focused on women’s activities in the region. These included a history of ZLAC Rowing Club, founded in 1892, the world’s oldest rowing club for women, and “A Room of Their Own: The Contribution of Women to the Panama-California Exposition, 1915,” among other articles. An invitation to explore the origins of The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, CA, led her to the vast, and newly cataloged, papers of Ellen Browning Scripps at Scripps College. She spent nearly a decade exploring the life of one of California’s most important philanthropists. In 2017, McClain published Ellen Browning Scripps: New Money and American Philanthropy, 1836-1932 to outstanding reviews. A trustee of the La Jolla Historical Society, McClain co-curated From Jazz Age to Our Age: Architects and Developers of 1920s La Jolla (2016-17). She also wrote “Architecture as Nature’s Canvas” for Irving J. Gill: Illustrating New Architecture (Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, 2016). She is currently working as historical consultant for Tangible Memories: Portraits, Relics, and Reliquaries of La Jolla Women Pioneers (La Jolla Historical Society, 2019) and as a consulting archivist at the San Diego History Center. McClain joined the faculty of the University of San Diego (USD) in 1995. Academic honors include USD’s distinguished University Professorship and the Davies Award for Faculty Achievement. She is former chair of the Department of History (2004-09) and former director of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program (2008-16).
Giovanni Miglianti
YACOL courses taught: From Auschwitz to New York City: A Transnational Approach to the Work of Primo Levi; Italy through Cinema: Rome, Capital or Corpse?; Italy through Cinema: Sicily as Metaphor

Giovanni Miglianti is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian at Wesleyan University. He is a scholar of modern and contemporary Italian culture, with a focus on Italian literature, cinema, and cultural history. A native of Bologna, he studied at the universities of Udine, Leiden, and Cambridge, prior to moving to the States to earn his PhD in Italian studies from Yale University. His doctoral dissertation, written between Yale, the New Sorbonne University (Paris 3), and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, offers an original reassessment of the work of Holocaust survivor and writer Primo Levi. At Yale, he was on the board of the Annual Festival of New Italian Cinema, he co-founded the Memory Studies in Modern Europe working group, and he spearheaded a successful online conversational language program for the Yale Alumni Academy. His current book project is an affective history of literary and cinematic representations of the Shoah, provisionally titled Affect and the Holocaust: Rethinking Representation in Italian Culture (1944-2022)
Robert Miller
YACOL courses taught: Russian History and Literature

Bob Miller graduated from the University of Georgia Magna cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a major in history.  After graduating from Yale Law School in 1967 he practiced law in Atlanta for 31 years, focusing on health care law. After retiring in 1998, he has continued to serve as a director of numerous health care organizations, including our primary public hospital, Grady Memorial Hospital, which is staffed largely by Emory Medical School faculty and students. He has taught at Emory Law School for 15 years, and has authored several articles on health law issues. Since his retirement from his distinguished law practice, he has pursued the path of a Renaissance Man, and has mastered and taught highly acclaimed courses in two unrelated fields –  western Medieval church history, and Russian History and Literature in the 20th Century.
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